How to Propagate Primula by Dividing the Bush

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Primrose-a wonderful spring primrose, blooming as soon as the snow melts. The flowers are so sweet, unpretentious and easy to care for that they have won universal love and recognition as one of the best spring plants.

Primrose is propagated by seeds and by dividing the bush. Growing seeds is associated with some difficulties, as the seeds are very small and quickly lose their germination. However, it is possible to propagate this plant in this way, especially if you already have experience with this type of seed.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is easier and therefore more popular. The attractiveness of this method is also increased by the fact that it can be done almost at any time, even at the time of active flowering of the plant. However, the most suitable time for primrose reproduction by division is immediately after flowering.

Primrose-bright primrose

The division of primroses once every 3-5 years is necessary for another reason. Old bushes lose their appeal over time: their leaves wither, the flowers-too, and the plant itself as a whole weakens. Therefore, regular division can be considered a necessary step in the care of this wonderful plant.

To divide, the primrose bush is dug up, and then disassembled into parts. If the plant allows, it can be done manually, sometimes it is convenient to cut with a knife, and in some cases a shovel is used.

The bush can be divided with a shovel

If you need a large amount of planting material, then for planting it is enough to take a piece with one kidney and a small number of roots, it will take root perfectly.

Part of the Primrose

For growing primroses, a place in partial shade with loose, fertile soil is best suited. These flowers are very fond of moisture, but do not tolerate its stagnation. When planting, it is necessary to prepare a pit so that the soil level remains the same, you do not need to bury the plant. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly.

After planting, the plant should be watered abundantly

And what primroses bloom in your garden? Share your preferences with us in the comments.

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