Japanese Method of Germination of Cucumber Seeds

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Cucumbers are one of the earliest and most popular crops. Experienced summer residents have their own secrets and tricks for getting a good harvest. Someone grows seedlings, someone plants sprouted seeds in the ground, someone sows dry seeds in the ground, and also collects their delicious and healthy vegetables.

Today, an interesting way to germinate cucumber seeds is shared with us by a gardener-gardener with experience. The Japanese called this path so because a description of it was found on one of the Japanese sites. The method has been tested and proven well.

Sawdust is taken for germination of seeds. They should be made of deciduous trees and stale. Coniferous sawdust, as well as any fresh, it is better to exclude.

A suitable shallow container is filled with sawdust 1.5-2 cm (0.6-0.8 inches) thick and filled with hot water. It is necessary to wait for some time until the substrate is well soaked with moisture. At the same time, the sawdust will cool down a little, and their temperature will be comfortable for sowing seeds.

Japanese Method of Germination of Cucumber Seeds

And now the most interesting thing. For further manipulations, you will need scissors with long handles or other similar suitable tools. You need to take the seed, place it between the sharp handles of the scissors perpendicular to them and press it a little. As a result, the seed will slightly open (burst). Do not press the seed very hard, so as not to flatten it.

Japanese Method of Germination of Cucumber Seeds

The manipulations are similar to those we perform by snapping sunflower seeds with our teeth. In fact, if your seeds are collected independently, it is quite possible. However, to take in the mouth purchased, especially those that are treated with special chemicals, is unwise and dangerous for your health.

Open seeds are spread flat on the surface of the prepared substrate and sprinkled with dry sawdust on top. Slightly deepens, about 3-5 mm, slightly compacted on top.

Japanese Method of Germination of Cucumber Seeds

The container with the crops is placed in a greenhouse (it can be a plastic bag) and is not hidden. If you put the crops in a warm place, the shoots will appear quickly enough, and it is important not to let the sprouts stretch out too much.

This method is well used for rapid germination of cucumber seeds. It is quite possible that this technique is not Japanese at all. If you are familiar with this or some other reliable and original way to awaken the seeds, share with us in the comments.

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