Tag: Decor Bushes and Trees

Planting, Growing, Caring for Cotinus

In spring, the shrub is covered with very beautiful fluffy inflorescences. With the arrival of autumn comes the second wave of admiring the plant-the color of its leaves is so diverse and magnificent that can not be described! Imagine a shrub blazing in the autumn sun with all shades of […]

Clerodendrum Trichotomum

Clerodendrum trichotomum is a deciduous shrub with a height of 2-5 (2.2-5.5 yard) m; the shoots expand with age to a width of 6 m (6.6 yard). The leaves are simple, 8-15 cm (3.1-5.9 inches) long. The flowers are extremely interesting 5-lobed, white. Later, the sepals open, turn red, and […]

Silver Trees and Bushes: Description, Photos, Features of Cultivation

Today we will meet with the wood owners of “cold” beauty, endowed with silver, gray-green, gray leaves. Such plants are exquisite and look luxurious, as if skillfully made of precious metal. They have the “gentility” of the nature that can be attributed both to their advantage and disadvantage. And here’s […]