Tag: Flowers and Plants Types

Perennials Out Of Time: Discovering The Secret Of Helichrysum’s Charisma

We continue to talk about the forgotten plants that used to reign in homesteads, and then for various reasons disappeared from suburban life. Today we will talk about Helichrysum. Currently, the demand for some of them is huge. What is the secret of their charm? Let’s figure it out together. […]

How To Plant And Care For Scilla

Scilla belongs to the family of Asparagus, although earlier it was referred to as Lilein or Hyacinth. Growing scilla Scilla landing Thanks to its unpretentiousness, Scilla is a welcome guest in alpine hills, rockeries and all kinds of flower gardens. Many use Scilla for forcing under the New Year, planting […]

How To Plant And Care For Hellebore

Hellebore an amazing beauty plant that was popular in the Middle ages: it was believed that hellebore protects against witchcraft, the evil eye and evil spirits, which is why it was planted near the entrance to the house or yard. Today, of course, it is valued for other qualities. It […]

How To Plant And Care For Basil

Basil-a beautiful plant, a wonderful healer and a favorite spice, the secrets of growing which I will tell you in this article. A native of Asia, but not all countries immediately appreciated his merits, despite the fact that he was worshipped in Iran, India and Ceylon. By the way, the […]

Cineraria in the Garden

Many of us, choosing a plant for the border, want it to be decorative, eye-catching, while well framed paths or favorably emphasized bright flower beds. Cineraria is what you need! Cineraria has many species that are very different from each other in appearance: herbaceous flowers and ornamental shrubs. Cineraria flowers […]

Such a Different Mint

Already about 2 weeks I have blooms peppermint. This plant is one of my favorites. Peppermint essential oil inspires and renews. Mint is so versatile that it can be used in medicine, perfumes, cooking. Not only is mint tea can lift your mood, and even meat with mint quite differently […]

Cyclamen – Dancing Butterflies in Your Garden

Among the variety of colors found in gardens, cyclamen can be seen infrequently. Some are afraid to invite a fastidious plant in your garden, believing that he is too demanding in the care, others do not consider it worthy of its flower beds. There are others who sincerely believe that […]

Clarkia – Flower of Passion

“Clarkia is the flower of passion, it is like a boiling volcano. Each year, rising from a small seed to again and again to please the human eye. Clarkia-the favorite of many gardeners, attracts with its bright outfit, amazes, surprises and forever remains in memory. She’s a real lady, real […]