Guidelines for Selecting Seedlings and Planting Conifers

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Conifers are plants with character, so they require more attention, both to the choice of planting material and to planting.

The choice of seedling

Do not want to waste time and money in vain – exclude even the idea of buying seedlings of coniferous plants with an open root system. The chances of survival are almost zero, no matter what kind of tree (pine, thuja, spruce, juniper, fir) you are offered for a song.

With pine trees, there is no choice – only with a closed root system. Do not buy plants in shopping centers – coniferous, dried up and unviable, will seem healthy to you in appearance. It is likely that the plant was not grown in a container, but was dug out of the open ground and placed in it on the eve of being sent to the store. Of course, the chances of survival in your garden of this specimen are negligible.

Low-growing conifers. Here, too, you can check the integrity of the manufacturer. Take the container with the plant and just turn it over. If the ground is sprinkled, it means that the seedling was planted in this container recently and has just been planted in this container. If the earth from the container is not sprinkled or, with a light shake, an earth layer is poured, penetrated by roots-this is what you need. The ends of the needles should not be dried. Check whether the branches are elastic: dry branches bend to the side if you gently press on them, and live ones bend.

The age of the seedling. Here, too, there can be no two ways – the younger, the easier it will be and the faster it will move in growth.

Guidelines for Selecting Seedlings and Planting Conifers


For any coniferous wood, you will need to dig a hole twice the width and height of the container in which it was purchased. At the bottom, it is necessary to make a drainage layer of 10-15 cm (3.9-5.9 inch), cover it with a mixture of 3-5 cm (1.2-2 inch), prepared taking into account the needs of the species. You have to make it yourself by mixing the excavated earth with all the different components.

Depending on the type and variety of plants, you may need sandy, peat, turf and leaf soil. Some types may require liming.

Be sure to take a ready-made pine soil, as the component of the mixture for planting it is not only desirable, but also mandatory!

Seedlings younger than 4 years old do not need fertilizer when planting, if your plant is older, apply the necessary amount of mineral fertilizers designed for its type and age.

When planting, do not deepen the root neck, it should be above the level of the soil surface. Carefully remove the plant from the container and place the clump of earth in the hole. Try to break it up, because for all the years of the plant’s life, mycorrhiza has formed at its roots, creating a kind of favorable climate for the root system. Fill the space around it with the mixture, avoiding the formation of voids.

After planting, lightly seal the soil with your hands and pour plenty of water. If the ground is heavily settled, fill in the mixture and pour again. Then mulch the ground around the trunks from above, it is advisable to use a part of coniferous plants – pieces of bark, twigs, cones, needles.

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