Sumac caused mixed feelings, scaring, and pulling. In what other way do plants unite, some of which strike with their touch, causing severe illness, and others serve for the preparation of refreshing drinks and desserts? Most sumacs — both harmful and harmless — can only grow in warmer areas than […]
Bonsai Park “Spirited Garden” in South Korea
Since July 30, 1992 was opened Bonsai Park “Energetic garden”, world celebrities and the press have repeatedly recognized it as “the most beautiful garden in the world.” Starting in 1968 to develop a wasteland overgrown with prickly bushes, the author hoped to revive the culture of gardening and Korean Bonsai. […]
Care of Hydrangea macrophilla: Calendar of Works
For a start, it should be noted that care for Hydrangea macrophilla differs significantly from the farming Hydrangea arborescens. If these species feel great in our Northern gardens, where they successfully winter without any shelter, the capricious beauties of macrophiles need a special approach. The biological features of Hydrangea macrophilla […]
Roof Garden: Plant Selection
So, contrary to the skepticism of home and neighbors, the construction of your roof garden is nearing its triumphant conclusion. Behind the most labour — consuming part of construction and installation works, and in front a most enjoyable selection of plants. Of course, even the layman is clear that all […]
Hydrangeas Large-Leaved: Remontant Varieties
An inexperienced gardener is very hard to resist buying Hydrangea macrophilla. Usually Western European nurseries deliver them in containers already in a blossoming condition: magnificent magnificence of multi-colored bushes can’t leave indifferent any gardener. But it must be borne in mind that, having settled the macrophile in his garden, you […]