There are general rules for pruning plants, which we talked about earlier, but each type of ornamental shrubs has its own peculiarities of development, and therefore its pruning is special, peculiar only to it.
After flowering, remove the old stems. In this way, you can avoid a strong thickening. Damaged and dried shoots are removed in April.
Armeniaca mume
After the end of the winter flowering period and the removal of shoots, they are cut off by 1/3 vegetatively, forming and preventing thickening of the bush.
Aucuba japonica
In April, the damaged shoots are cut off. If you need a hard pruning, ee is also carried out in the spring. In summer, you can shorten the long shoots.
Baccharis halimifolia
Pruning, limiting the size of the bush, and thinning is carried out in April.
Pruning, maintaining the shape of the bush, is carried out after flowering or in late autumn after fruiting. If the bushes require hard pruning, do it in the spring.
Mature 3-4-year-old shoots are cut in March. Sometimes young shoots are damaged by cool winds, and in this case they must be removed immediately.
Weak shortening of long shoots is carried out in the summer, the main pruning-after the fall of the fruit. Hedges are cut in May and early autumn.
Regular pruning is not required. If there is a need for thinning, then it is carried out in late autumn.
Separately growing bushes do not need to be pruned . In the spring, the damaged branches are also removed. Hedges are cut in May, and the second – at the end of August.
In plants formed in the form of a bush, it is desirable to cut the lower branches entirely. In February – March, the shoots of the previous year are heavily pruned, leaving only a few centimeters of old wood.
Old flower stems and branches are cut off after flowering, vegetative shoots are formed.
Bupleurum Fruticosum
It tolerates hard pruning well. In order to form a bush at the end of March, make a light thinning.
For evergreen species, only too long branches are shortened after flowering. Old branches are also removed from deciduous trees in February-March.
Does not require special pruning; strict pruning is contraindicated. Cut out the damaged branches after flowering.
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