Petrol trimmer
In the triad of trimmers, it is the most powerful, but also the most noisy, which can be considered a disadvantage only in part, since sometimes the roar of the engine becomes an instrument of education!
Familiar summer residents (seniors) lived peacefully in their cottage, enjoying the almost complete absence of civilization and the absolute silence. The idyll ended when the neighboring house was bought by the newlyweds: the constant parties ended long after midnight, the music rattled so that the dishes on the table rattled in the pensioner’s house. Young answered admonitions of old men – on the site we have the right! The pensioner did not complain to the local police – he suddenly loved to mow the grass in the morning dew: do not have time to close the young eyelids after another party, as the roar of a Gasoline trimmer is heard under the ear.
Grandfather worked slowly, carefully Bystrica the most difficult areas, gave the spit to rest for 10-20 minutes and again mowed. In General, daily torture Petrol trimmer lasted on 3-4 hours. Of course, young people immediately came running with claims. Guess what the answer was? Yes, they heard about the rights on the site, only now that they were not so happy. In the end, grandpa won, and the young people subsided. So, if you have problem neighbors, just in case, buy the most powerful gasoline trimmer, maybe you can re-educate them. Well, now a little personal experience that I would advise those who decided to buy a Gasoline trimmer:
- start. In the instructions, the process is described so optimistically that it inevitably gives the impression that it is a trifling matter, and it is not necessary to focus on it. And in life it turns out not so rosy: for many it is impossible to have a motorcycle became a stumbling block for its acquisition. Well, really, what’s the point of buying it, if you get out of the forces still in the process of starting, and mowing them is not left? Not pre-determine who are able to make motokazu, and one will find out it can only be experienced through, the logic is powerless here. I know fragile young women and seniors with experience who are easy to manage with gasoline trimmers, and young men who were forced to surrender, saving before an impregnable starter.
That is, physical strength here — not the trump card, without a certain skill, she even harm can be. Recently to the neighbor-the pensioner on a visit there arrived the son and decided to help it – to mow out a grass in a garden. The guy is young, healthy – but petrol trimmer, you see, for the first time in hands took. As he pulled the cable to start the engine… and remained standing with him in his hands, stunned looking at the Gasoline trimmer, breathlessly lying at his feet. The joy of my mother from such help words can not describe, and how happy were the weeds in the garden! Conclusion: learn how to start the engine of a gasoline trimmer before buying your own — otherwise it can grow old in the barn, so never seeing the grass in your life, if suddenly you do not master this science;
- lightweight start-up system. Do not rush joyfully beat his hands: the assurances of the manufacturer that now the engine starts almost the power of thought – just words, not backed by practical experience. The same applies to models with anti-vibration system. To understand whether you need these options, you need to compare with something, that is, try in the usual gasoline trimmer, without any “bells and whistles”. Because for all the additional features the manufacturer will not fail to add a price, and maybe you do not need them at all!
- shoulder strap or vest (corset) with carabiner. If possible, give preference to the model with a vest. Why? Peas weight about 4-8 kg, would like to do a lot of one shoulder, right? Believe me, after 10-15 minutes of work your opinion on this matter will change significantly, and then provided that you are a confident user, not a beginner;
- collapsible rod. If trimmer lives in the country – for this function should not pay extra. And if it needs to be transported (especially in public transport), it will definitely be useful. The electric trimmer Denzel TE-1400 just collapsible rod, so all the movement from the city to the country with him are easy.
No matter how tired you are after work, gather your strength and carefully comb the silo with a fan rake from the lawn, and it turns out that you tried in vain: the yellowed grass and the beauty of the lawn will not add, and it will not benefit him.
I think every trimmer is good (and sometimes simply irreplaceable!) in its place. And if you do not require it impossible (not to overheat, properly stored), faithfully will mow your lawn for many years.
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