Tag: Conifer Trees and Plants

Healing Abies-the Queen of Beauty!

If you arrange a beauty contest among coniferous perennials, the abii of the genus Pinaceae could easily take first place in it. Dressed in a fluffy fur coat, with vertically standing cones of candlesticks, abii ennoble any (even very modest) suburban area. Coniferous beauty is famous for its resinous-tart aroma, […]

Features of Exotic Conifers Plants

There is a huge world of very interesting ancient coniferous family Taxodiaceae, which includes wood exotic beauties: cunninghamia lanceolata, cedar Japanese, glyptostroboides metasequoia, Sequoia sempervirens; and handsome: taksodium and sciadopitys whorled. About them and will be a story today. Perhaps someone will say: why do we have this exotic? But […]

Differences Of Platycladus Orientalis and Thuja Occidentalis

Currently, a huge variety of decorative forms can “corner” even a specialist in coniferous plants, and their age variations and the presence of small (children’s) forms completely unlike adult specimens sometimes add a serious “headache” for dendrologists. However, until now, in some garden stores, you can see one word on […]