Beautifully put firewood on a country site is a part of landscape design too. It would seem that here it is possible to think up original — I put firewood, and all. And here and there. 1. Log in the form of a fallen tree. 2. Woodpile-waves 3. Pile — […]
Hydrangea Paniculate: the Best Varieties and Not Only (Part 2)
The more varieties I list, the more clearly I understand that none of them will get the palm. It is impossible to distinguish the best grade among such tremendous beauty. All paniculate Princess incredibly good and each of them fascinates with its chic decoration. Therefore, whatever variety you put on […]
Hydrangea Paniculate: the Best Varieties and Not Only (Part 1)
Among the many ornamental plants that adorn our suburban areas, hydrangea paniculata stands out. Wide popularity of this wonderful shrub acquired thanks to its incredibly beautiful and long flowering. Add excitement around this beauty tireless efforts of breeders, striking our imagination with new and new varieties. Therefore, if you are […]