Stands made of pallets or wooden slats Narrow racks, extremely easy to manufacture, are obtained from pallets. It is done in an elementary way: put it vertically, close to the wall, fixed it-done! If the pallet is not at hand, you can assemble a similar structure from ordinary boards or […]
How Does Aloe And Other Ornamental Houseplants Bloom (Part 2)
Codiaeum Codiaeum is a favorite of many flower growers. And how not to love this handsome man, who remains elegant throughout the year! The variegated leathery foliage of the croton is incredibly spectacular: depending on the variety, it is painted in green, light green, lemon, orange, pink and purple tones. […]
Garden Of Herbs: Ideas Of Interesting Compositions
In the previous article, we talked about the fact that the garden of aromatic herbs has the deepest historical roots. We got acquainted with the most beautiful of the fragrant plants that the modern assortment offers. Today we will consider the options for combining spicy herbs in a floral landscape. […]
Greens On The Windowsill: How To Grow 11 Crops (Part 1)
A vegetable garden on the windowsill is unthinkable without greenery. And if you have to tinker with homemade tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and cucumbers, then green crops are the easiest to grow — any schoolboy can cope. Probably everyone is familiar with the distillation of green onions, when the onion is […]
Greens On The Windowsill: How To Grow 11 Crops (Part 2)
Spicy-aromatic herbs for the kitchen garden Spicy herbs are the highlight of the home garden. They create a special atmosphere, dishes with them become refined and appetizing. Dill Despite its familiarity, this crop is not so easy to grow. At home, you can grow fragrant dill relatively quickly: early-maturing varieties […]
Basket Beauties: Shrubs And Lianas With Graceful Flowing Shoots
Today we will talk about basket shrubs and perennial lianas, which are characterized by flexible, long drooping, often hanging shoots. As can be seen from the definition, this is a very conditional group that unites plants represented by various life forms. The demand for them has recently increased significantly, and […]