The color of the leaves of varietal barberry is incredibly diverse — and not only green. It is yellow, purple, mottled (for example, green with bright white spots in varieties ‘Kelleris’ or purple with white, pink and gray spots in varieties ‘Harlequin’), with a border (purple with a thin Golden […]
What is Superphosphate and How to Use It
You have a beautiful well-maintained cottage. And then one day you suddenly notice with horror that some of your green pets begin to wither — their leaves acquire an unnatural blue-purple color, and the harvest leaves much to be desired… These signs indicate that they are experiencing a significant shortage […]
Use Sand in the Suburban Area
Let’s talk about sand — a simple and useful material in the country business. More precisely, the main aspects of its application. Sand is crushed and water-ground rock particles. With the right approach, this can significantly improve the physiological properties of the soil. How? I’ll tell you in detail. The […]
The Douglas Fir: Photo, Description, Types
Douglas fir is a rather dissonant name, sometimes they say “Pseudotsuga”. In 1791, it was discovered by Archibald Menzies, who served as a surgeon on Captain Vancouver’s ship, and was rediscovered by English botanist and traveler David Douglas in 1827. In the botanical literature, pseudotsuga was described in 1838 under […]