Anyway, this year the spring and the beginning of summer were very long and cold. Such a feeling, but still nature takes its toll. And judging by the fact that kerria blooms, this summer is not far off… Kerria japonica – a beautiful deciduous shrub, the height of which can […]
How to Prune Hydrangea Paniculata
Many summer residents, ennobling their plots, prefer different types of hydrangea paniculate. This is a very picturesque Bush with inflorescences-panicles, blooming in mid-summer. Such hydrangeas bloom luxuriantly, while having a sufficiently high winter hardiness and durability: in the literature you can find references to 60-year-old bushes. However, it must be […]
Seven Times Measure, or the ABCs of Pruning
Rejuvenation, transfer to the lateral branch, pruning on a stump or a ring — all these concepts mean different techniques of pruning trees and shrubs. However, not all gardeners understand what actions are “hiding” behind these terms. Let’s deal with it! Pruning on a tree stump This technique is the […]
Crowns are Very Different, or How the Tree is Arranged
Before starting a specific conversation about cropping, let’s talk about the object of our hands application. Let’s remember a little theory and, as it is fashionable now to speak, we will give a Glossary. What is a tree The tree consists of an underground and above-ground part. We are interested […]
Useful Tips: How to Plant Juniper
Coniferous plants have long ceased to be the prerogative of only rich estates and pompous gardens. Now almost every country has wonderful plants that are decorative all season long. In any nursery, you can choose a variety of thuja, cypress, juniper of different varieties and other coniferous species to suit […]
Delicate Liana “Macfadyena Unguis-Cati”
Macfadyen unguis-cati (Bignonia unguis-cati, Doxantha unguis-cati) is an evergreen vine in the family Bignoniaceae. The heat-loving delicate flower is native to Mexico, Argentina, and Western India and can withstand temperatures up to 7 °C (44.6°F). In these places, it is warm and cozy, so it annually pleases visitors with its […]
The Secrets of the Grape Seed
It is known that grape seeds have healing properties. First of all, they have a strong antioxidant effect. It is proved that the alcohol extract of grape seeds regulates blood pressure, protects and restores blood vessels, reduces cholesterol levels. Grape seeds are an indispensable element in strengthening the immune system, […]