- Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’;
- Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’;
- Sambucus nigra ‘Aurea’;
- Berberis thunbergii ‘Aurea’;
- Berberis thunbergii ‘Bonanza Gold’;
- Viburnum lantana ‘Aureum’ ;
- Acer negundo ‘Auratum’ and ‘Kelly’s Gold’;
- Laurus nobilis ‘Aurea’;
- Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’ and ‘Dart’s Gold’;
- Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’;
- Rhus typhina ‘Laciniata Aurea’;
- Philadelphia coronarius ‘Aureus’;
Today, your attention will be presented to the amazing decorative trees and shrubs with Golden foliage. They are for summer residents-a real precious find.
Wood with yellow leaves-it’s not freaks or errors of nature, and full forms, charming with its beauty. They look luxurious in contrasting compositions, colorful hedges, in combination with woody or grassy species, in monogroups against dark chips or other mulch.
Landscape architects and designers appreciate their catchy beauty. Yellow deciduous and evergreen species bring to the usual monotonous composition of our villas luxury and a sense of celebration. Some forms and varieties are consistently Golden, the color of other ephemeral, more often manifested in the spring (on young leaves) and autumn (before leaf fall).
The beauty of such trees is especially spectacular against the background of typical green species and red-leaf forms; it is most expressive on cloudy rainy and snowy days.
And, despite the abundance of herbaceous plants with yellow flowers, inflorescences, it is Golden wood under the power to play the role of the main actors in the country.
Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’
Planted in the country this Golden beauty, you can two seasons (spring and autumn) to admire its beauty.
Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’ — widely conical fast-growing tree with a height of 12 and width of 10 m with open without thorns branches. The young foliage is Golden, then turns pale green (in summer) and again yellow (in autumn). It does not bear fruit, which is not bad-large beans do not pollute the territory. With age rarely are formed fruit.
Unpretentious, grows on any well-drained soil, in full light, not sick, drought-resistant. In 20-50 years reaches the maximum height. Should winter in the middle lane without shelter, as it can withstand up to -34 °C (according to some data — up to -40 °C); in the first 3 years after planting, you can hedge — cover.
Propagated vegetatively: cuttings and grafting in the root neck.
Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’
Luxurious outfit Golden Catalpa. Its large heart-shaped yellow leaves, like burning candles, illuminate the dark corners of the garden, attracting attention. No doubt, she is a spectacular specimen!
Catalpa bignonioides ‘Aurea’ is a deciduous tree with a height and a width of 10 m. the Distinguishing feature is the bright yellow shoots, the young bronze.
Soil prefers moist, well-drained, fertile; resistant to heavy soils. It grows better in sheltered from the wind places. In 20-50 years reaches the maximum height. Winter hardy: critical winter minimum -28,8 °C. in the Spring can be damaged by recurrent frosts. Resistant to diseases and pests, but may be affected by vertical wilting.
Propagated by semi-woody cuttings, grafting.
Sambucus nigra ‘Aurea’
Additional decoration of the Golden shrub-large snow-white shields of inflorescences.
Sambucus nigra ‘Aurea’ – erect shrub with thick shoots height and width of 2.5-4 m Leaves Golden yellow, pinkish petioles. Inflorescence flat, with white-cream flowers.
Easy to grow on alkaline, moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soils; grows well in the sun and partial shade. In 10-20 years reaches the maximum height. Thermophilic: short-term withstand only -15-20°C.
Good in free-growing hedges and as a tapeworm. Propagated by semi-woody cuttings.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Aurea’
Golden barberry with yellow leaves is a divine gift of nature. First of all, the two brightest varieties of Berberis thunbergii.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Aurea’ – outstretched Bush densely branched height of 1.5 m and a width of 2 m. the Leaves are round: in the spring-yellow, green in the summer, to the leaf fall again returned to the Golden outfit.
Grows on any well-drained soils. Transfers partial shading, more effective in the open sun. In 5-10 years reaches its maximum height. Withstands up to -39,9 °C. can be affected by powdery mildew.
The effect on the background of dark mulch. Additional decor in autumn-red fruits. Use in cottages of any type in the borders, when framing flower beds. Propagated by semi-woody cuttings.
Berberis thunbergii ‘Bonanza Gold’
Berberis thunbergii ‘Bonanza Gold’ is a dense cushion-like shrub with lime-gold leaves with a height of 45-60 cm, 60-90 cm width
This dwarf variety, which is registered Morretti in 1991 is Effective in the sun and partial shade. Blooms in mid-summer. Seed not gives. The increase is small, but with strong growth it must be formed. Resistant to trampling. Resistant to dry and moist soils, but does not tolerate stagnant waterlogging. Withstands -34,4 °C.
Propagated by semi-woody cuttings.
Viburnum lantana ‘Aureum’
The Golden form of this type — still infrequent guest of dachas.
Viburnum lantana ‘Aureum’ — deciduous shrub height and width 2 m. Spectacular in the sun, but in late summer the leaves may be due to burning, so after noon in the summer, preferably pritenyat (at least sketching out the gauze). Resistant to everything; withstands -34,4° C.
Acer negundo ‘Auratum’ and ‘Kelly’s Gold’
Both forms are very interesting and in demand in small and medium-sized cottages-at the age of 10 years they reach a height of 5 m.
Acer negundo ‘Auratum’ and ‘Kelly’s Gold’ are growing slowly. In both forms the leaves are yellow in spring, then fade.
Laurus nobilis ‘Aurea’
What could be more exotic than a Golden Bay leaf? But the yellowing leaves are ephemeral, and most striking it in the spring.
Laurus nobilis ‘Aurea’ — evergreen shrub with a height of 4-8 m and a width of 2.5-4 m. the Leaves are Golden-yellow.
In the open field is not sick. Can be grown in a container. In 20-50 years reaches the maximum height. Withstands -5 °C. Propagated by semi-woody cuttings.
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’ and ‘Dart’s Gold’
Before you two more Golden bushes. Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’ height and width 2.5-4 m and Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ height 2 m, width 2.5 m.
Both in 5-10 years to reach ultimate height; prefer sun, but they look great in partial shade. Can chlorosis, but well-drained, medium-moisture, fertile, acidic to neutral soils feel better.
Propagated by semi-woody cuttings (summer), processes.
And before us already two Golden Japanese spirea.
Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’
One of the most beautiful Golden Spiraea. She is able to fill the “Sunny” cottage luxury yellow leaves since may.
Spiraea japonica ‘Goldflame’ — one of the most common Golden species height and width of 75 cm Young leaves — bronze-red, then — yellow, then — medium-green.
Spiraea japonica ‘Golden Princess’ is another yellow beauty.
Have Spiraea japonica ‘Golden Princess’ purple-pink flowers; leaves first bronze-red, then-light-yellows, autumn again blush.
Rhus typhina ‘Laciniata Aurea’
Very beautiful deciduous tree.
Rhus typhina ‘Laciniata Aurea’ height and width of 2 m.another Interesting modern variety-new, which appeared in 2004 — Rhus typhina ‘Tiger Eye’, syn. ‘Bailtiger’ 1.8 m high, 2.4 m wide.
It is effective in Sunny and partly semi-shaded areas. Winter short-term withstands temperatures -34,4 °C. Propagation is by division of root suckers.
Philadelphia coronarius ‘Aureus’
In conclusion, Golden mock orange.
Philadelphia coronarius ‘Aureus’ – deciduous shrub height of 1.5-2.5 m and a width of 1-1. 5 m. the leaves are oval, young-light yellow, then-greenish. The flowers are creamy white, fragrant.
Its beauty is revealed in the sun and partial partial shade. To soils undemanding, but on wet drained will be more luxurious. In 5-10 years reaches its maximum height. Aphids can be damaged and affected by powdery mildew. Withstands -28,8 °C. Propagation is by cuttings semilignified.
So ended a short story about yellowish wood. I hope, after reading the material you will certainly settle in his country tree or shrub, which every year will bloom its gold leaves, giving you a good mood.
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