Author: Editor

How To Plant And Care For Viburnum – 5 Best Varieties

Many people associate the word Viburnum with the definition of “red”. But these days, viburnum has so many varieties that the color of the berries can even be black. Many people love viburnum for its beauty in spring and autumn. In early summer, it pleases us with a beautiful umbrella […]

Best Options for Gazebos. Types of Structures, Use in Landscape Design

The gazebo is the main place of rest. The structure should be made not only convenient, but also beautiful. Aesthetics are important both to satisfy the design itself, and to create a complete landscape composition on the site. A selection of ideas and various design photos for gazebos proves the […]

How to Plant and Care for Tulips – 15 Best Options

Tulip (Latin: Tulipa) is a genus of bulbous perennials of the Lily family, one of the most popular spring garden plants, grown both in private gardens and on an industrial scale. The birthplace of tulips is Central Asia, and the plant got its name from the Persian word “turban”, the […]

How to Plant and Care for Mahonia – 5 Best Options

Mahonia aquifolium was introduced from North America to Europe sometime in the 19th century and immediately gained well-deserved popularity among those who like to improve their gardens. The mahonia is represented by shrubs and trees and belongs to the barberry family. Magonia in the wild can be found in the […]

How to Plant and Care for Cynara – Artichoke. Varieties

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) belongs to the plants of the Aster family. Among its “relatives” are not only the above-mentioned thistle, but also dandelion and sunflower. There are several versions of the origin of its name. According to one of them, the Latin word supaga is taken from the Greek […]

How to Create a Rose Garden. Planting Options and Selection of Roses

Roses are full of dignity and touching at the same time tenderness. They fill the garden from early spring to late autumn. And you can represent them in design in completely different ways. Advantages and Disadvantages You can only plant roses. It will be much easier to take care of […]