You can see how you or your visitors experience different emotions from your garden, enthusiastically looking at the flowerbeds, compositions of colorful plants and trees. But the question is what exactly shapes our impression? Where do we start, determining whether it is good or bad? In this article, we have […]
Global Climate Change: What Awaits Us And Who Is To Blame For This (Part 1)
Winter is surprisingly warm this year. The calendar states that it is February outside the window. And the thermometer, apparently, was not told about this: instead of winter frosts and snow-plus temperature, dirt and sprouts of garlic, onions and tulips. Is this the result of global warming, which is constantly […]
Liquid Wallpaper: What Is It And How To Apply It
Wallpaper that is applied to the walls, like ordinary plaster, is becoming increasingly popular. For those who are used to traditional roll coverings, liquid compositions often cause some concerns — and quite unnecessarily: the advantages of such a finish can hardly be overestimated. What is liquid wallpaper and what are […]
How To Save Rose Seedlings Bought On Sale In Winter
Since February, almost all major stores offer seedlings of a variety of crops for sale. In bright packages on the shelves, planting material of raspberries, gooseberries, honeysuckle, clematis — in general, there is a lot of interesting things for gardeners and flower growers. These plants are quite inexpensive, so there […]