We continue the theme of flower cooking, wondering no longer the number of edible species, rather-the possibilities and examples of their use around the world in the most unusual dishes!
Special skills in floral cooking reached the Eastern chef. At the same time this or that flower on the table is not an accident, especially in Japan, China, where there is a cult of flowers, and each month is dedicated to one of them. So, in the land of the rising sun in may celebrate the Holiday of iris and cherry blossoms, and this month they will be on trays, and kimono waitresses, and traditional lanterns. At the same time in Japan there is no flower that would represent sadness, sadness, as flowers – a celebration of life. And in this country revered 16-petal chrysanthemum, which is depicted as a symbol on the Imperial seal.
In China also particularly revered chrysanthemum: September bears her name, it is dedicated to the feast of flowers, held on the 9th day of this month.
To meet the gastronomic needs of gourmets and vegetarians in some countries, there are special plantations where flowers are grown, which are supplied to restaurants or shops.
What are these plants whose flowers can be used for food? We continue to get acquainted with them, paying attention to how to grow and effectively place them in the country.
Hemerocallis fulva and H. x hybridа
Flowers of the first have long been used for food in China, calling the plant a vegetable of yellow flowers. Its homeland is not reliably established as a wild plant in the Caucasus and the far East.
Today, it is not necessary to look for in nature Hemerocallis fulva, because in the culture of common varieties, flowers and buds which can be used for exotic delicacies.
Gourmets-aesthetes appreciated the flowers of daylily: they are fried in batter, added to pilaf, vegetable caviar, salads, used in pickles, buds are prepared in the East.
The main advantages of daylily-unpretentiousness to growing conditions, compatibility with other cultures, abundant and long flowering in the hottest months. In group landings its beauty only multiplies. Good in the coastal zone of the reservoir, in mixborders. When planting, keep a distance between plants of 60 cm.
Tropaeolum majus
This flower beauty can not be called banal: there is something special in its flowering, subtle, that distinguishes it in the vast world of flower plants.
Flowers Tropaeolum majus with a taste of salad cress are good on sandwiches, salads, stuffed with a mixture of cream cheese and green onions. Buds and young fruits pickled, getting a spicy seasoning, they are also successfully used to replace capers.
Nasturtium is very luxurious in mixborders with other annuals and perennials; climbing forms are created for decorating gazebos, walls, Windows.
Allium odorum, syn. A. ramosum
In principle, the flowers of all onions can be used as a seasoning, but this bow is special.
He comes from China, Mongolia, where he is popular among food onions. It is also called “restaurant onions”, as in China and Japan eat not only tender leaves with a light garlic flavor, but also fragrant (with a delicate pleasant aroma) flowers.
The plant is 25-50 cm high, dense; it makes excellent onion borders, but it requires limiting the distribution of the border tape.
Rose in sugar syrup or caramel is an exquisite delicacy. Previously, it was decided to present a beautiful lady in love with a gentleman. The chosen one from your harem of the Turkish Sultan sent a candied rosebud that one could eat, and the rest of the stem was retained as a sign of special favor.
Preparation of “sweet rose” at home
- Cut off a dense rosebud, washed, carefully shaken off the water.
- Separately, prepare a medium-density sugar syrup (so that the droplet does not spread on the plate).
- The Bud is dipped in sugar syrup at room temperature and put it for 3-4 minutes in an empty glass to syrup penetrated into the flower.
- With small breaks repeat 4-5 more times, giving him the opportunity to properly soak syrup.
- Then put a glass of “sweet rose” in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.
- When the syrup thickens and the petals open wider, gently sprinkle the flower sugar crystals.
- “Sweet rose” is served separately or with ice cream, biscuit. This is a wonderful dessert for Valentine’s Day.
Mashed flowers are added to sauces, they are sprinkled with some types of spaghetti.
Dendranthema x hortorum
In the East, it is believed that flowers are the most beautiful creation of nature and, using them for food, a person is filled with beauty. When you look at the delicate chrysanthemum, away go bad thoughts and depression.
According to Japanese traditions for cooking with chrysanthemum there are special rules, where each flower is given a certain place. The main thing is not to spoil the natural taste and beauty of the ingredients.
Reed flowers varieties with honey flavor added to the tea leaves, they insist liqueurs, wines.
In addition, for the preparation of delicious and healthy side dishes using vegetable chrysanthemums:
- Chrysanthemum carinatum, syn. C. tricolor;
- C. multicaule;
- C. coronarium.
Viola x wittrockiana
In Europe, this delicate flower has always symbolized a Declaration of love. With the settlers and the custom, and the flower came to America, where it is even placed on the plates.
Washington-style steak with Viola x wittrockiana is not a cheap dish, it can be ordered only in expensive restaurants on Valentine’s Day, at weddings and engagements.
Flowers Viola x wittrockiana, beautifully laid out on a plate-not only decoration, but also an edible component of the dish (which is taken to make a wish).
Flowers pansies-a great decoration for sweets.
Decorated with violets cakes, cupcakes, cakes, ice cream are beautiful, festive.
Viola x wittrockiana luxurious flowerbeds, perennial borders, arabesques. Valued for early flowering, flexibility and cold resistance.
And what flowers do you use in home cooking?
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