Even our great-grandmothers used infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs to maintain their beauty and treat various ailments. This knowledge was painstakingly collected and passed on from generation to generation, mainly through the female line. In particular, mothers told their daughters about “women’s herbs”. Some of them will be discussed.
Tea that helps
Chamomile medicinal-the first healer of female ailments. Usually it adorns the endless fields in June. However, in abnormally cold and rainy years, flowering may be late for a month or even more.
Chamomile decoction helps to relieve inflammation, so doctors often prescribe it to women for douching. Cystitis help warm sitz baths. Freshly cooled broth can be moistened with a cotton pad and wipe your face-here’s a natural lotion with antiseptic properties. Also, it is good to rinse your head after washing, the hair will become more silky. In addition, a simple chamomile tea – a great wand for colds. So, rather stock up on this medicinal plant-you still have a chance to have time to prepare a medicinal chamomile this year.
Gather the chamomile drug only during flowering when the petals have not yet deviated. This is the right time for the preparation of useful raw materials for the winter. Chamomile is used to prepare decoctions and infusions. And still unusually tasty and useful chamomile in herbal collections, which can be to drink as the usual tea.
Three reasons to love clover
Red clover, or meadow-a typical inhabitant of fields and meadows of the middle band. Therefore, nothing will prevent us to put him in his medicine Cabinet – and to do this is for many reasons.
The first reason: succinic acid. This substance is necessary for stress and nervous work, without which modern life, unfortunately, is not complete. It gives energy and strength, helps to feel cheerfulness every day. And succinic acid contained in clover, promotes rapid breakdown and excretion of toxins.
The second reason: phytoestrogens. These are hormones of natural origin. Getting into the body, they make up for the lack of estrogen (female hormones), which occurs during menopause. So it is not surprising that red clover can be found in a number of drugs for women. Phytoestrogens help relieve the most unpleasant symptoms of menopause: sudden tides and a sharp change of mood.
The third reason: vitamin C and companions. Clover contains vitamins C, E, K, B, provitamin A and a whole Arsenal of useful minerals. Hence its beneficial effects on the immune system.
Most of the benefit from the fresh clover. Fortunately, young leaves can be safely added to salads and soups – they will not spoil the taste. Just make sure that the greens were collected away from the road, otherwise in addition to nutrients, your body will be further enriched with the entire periodic table. But in the off-season use dried leaves and flowers. Harvest them in the flowering period. You can make a tincture only on this plant, or add its flowers to your favorite herbal collection.
If there are no clover fields near your dacha, you can try to grow this useful plant on your site yourself.
Angel grass
Angelica medicinal. Let us take his wise counsel and use the pipe for its intended purpose. And there are a lot of indications for this.
First of all, angelic herb will be useful for women in the complex treatment of unpleasant symptoms of menopause, because Angelica extract perfectly normalizes hormonal background. For young women, this plant is useful for relieving menstrual pain, because it has antispasmodic properties. Also, when taking Angelica, there is a positive effect on the part of the digestive system.
Good news: Angelica is found everywhere, mostly on the banks of rivers, as this culture prefers moist soil. Angelica — high (up to 2.5 m tall) erect umbellate plant with hollow stems and pinnate leaves. When you prepare winter it is not surprising to be confused with the notorious Hogweed. The leaves are quite similar to that of an inexperienced person can lead to confusion. These plants can be distinguished by flowers: Angelica umbellate inflorescences have a spherical shape, while in the cow parsnip they are flatter, directed upwards. In addition, the flowers of Angelica greenish – this is another important sign. You should also pay attention to the stems: Hogweed they are either green or Burgundy speckles, and Angelica evenly colored purple. Medical purposes often use its rhizome, rarely leaves and stems. Harvest the plant in September.
Beauty inside and out
Flax has unique properties. This unremarkable plant with small flowers of blue color actually turns out to be an excellent healer. It is useful, of course, not only for women, but we are talking about the health of the beautiful half of humanity.
First of all, flax is known for its enveloping, anti – inflammatory and laxative properties-legends are made about its effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, flax contains omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, the reception of which has a positive effect on the beauty of the skin, hair and nails. And this is important for ladies of any age. And thirdly, flax is extremely useful for the female body as a whole — and here again we will talk about phytohormones. They help to maintain hormonal balance in the normal, as well as eliminate discomfort during menstruation, making them painless.
Used for treatment of plants (leaves and stems) and seeds. They can be added to salads, pastries or just eat in small quantities. It’s also good to pour the seeds with cold water and let stand for several hours. The resulting mucous liquid is drunk on an empty stomach. Getting into the stomach and intestines, it envelops the walls, heals wounds and eliminates inflammation. You can also use linseed oil – the value it is not inferior to the seeds themselves. It is added to salads or prepared cereal. But to fry in linseed oil is not recommended-first, it will lose its useful properties, and, secondly, the smell in the kitchen will be specific.
If you decide to grow flax in your country, you need to buy the seeds are not varietal plants, and the most common flax seed. It is used in medicine and industry.
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