Strong pulling of seedlings can be observed in the cultivation of all horticultural crops. On the one hand, it’s bad, on the other hand, nowhere to go and should think about how to bring the plants in order.
Factors affecting the stretching of seedlings, a lot: it is an excess of moisture in the soil and the lack of it in the air, excessively high temperatures and insufficient lighting. But do not despair and give up! Carefully taking the plants to the place of planting, the first 3-5 days it is desirable to adapt them to the growing conditions.
At this time, you can remove the cotyledons and lower leaves to the remaining leafy part looked neat, beautiful and organic. Sometimes you have to clean the leaves on most of the stem – don’t worry! Removing cotyledons and leaves, leave part of the petioles 5-10 mm. Before landing they should dry up, that dealt the wounds were not the sources of the penetration of bacterial and fungal diseases.
As long as the plant adapts to new conditions, we can prepare the soil, if not done in advance. By the time of planting (the first decade of may), it should be moderately moist, and the temperature — not lower than +14°C. Outlining the place of planting (schemes are recommended on packages with seeds), proceed to planting.
The first version of the landing: in the supine position
Dig holes length equal to the bare part of the stem plus the height of the root coma. The slope can be about 30° to the horizon. Prepared for planting plants are placed in a hole at an angle and sprinkle with earth.
The ground part is directed vertically upwards. To do this, attach it to the hammered stakes or tie up with ropes and wires lowered from the top. Watering, if necessary, sprinkle the soil to level the landing site with the General plane of the beds.
In order to exclude the development of root and basal rot, in 5-8 cm from the stem coming out of the ground, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, we make special preparations.
To prevent the soil from overheating, moisture does not evaporate quickly, and the earth is not strongly compacted by further irrigation, the surface can be mulched with inert materials. When planting a large number of elongated seedlings, it is desirable to place the plants in one direction, so that during mechanical work with the ground, remember and know which side the main part of the root system is in.
The second version of the landing ring
Another way of planting overgrown seedlings-a ring or a spiral. A round hole with a depth of about 20-25 cm and a diameter of about 25 cm is dug.the Root ball is installed in the Central part of the hole, the stem gently and gradually rounds in it in the direction of clockwise or counterclockwise and rises, pressing against the walls. The top of the plant should come out of the hole vertically.
Carefully fill the hole with soil, slightly condense the Central part and water. After 20-30 minutes, after the soil settles, pour the formed hollow and compare the soil with the overall level of the bed. As well as in the first version, we introduce drugs — protection from diseases. Mulching layer (3-5 cm thick) with inert materials and in this case will protect plants from overheating and soil drying.
Care for overgrown seedlings
It is desirable to plant tomatoes in the evening, try to choose cloudy days. Under such conditions, the seedlings quickly adapt to a permanent place, without scaring you – without losing turgor. If it is hot Sunny weather, you should try to lower the temperature in the shelter, additional watering of intermountain, wetting at least the surface layer of soil seedbeds and well-ventilated. If this does not help, then use a shelter — protect the greenhouse with white nonwoven fabric, camouflage or construction mesh.
Do not get carried away with excessive watering and soil enrichment fertilizers. This can lead to the death of plants, as in such conditions the first to suffer tender, fragile suction roots. They nourish the plant, maintaining its viability. Having lost them, tomato will never give early fruits and a good harvest.
The situation with the stretching of seedlings can occur in both determinant and indeterminate tomatoes. Given that the formation of fruits in determinant plants begins over 5-7 leaves, it should not be carried away before planting by removing a large number of leaves. Have indeterminate tomatoes education floral brushes above the 8-10 leaf, so you can delete more. In any case, until the first flower brushes should have at least 2 leaves.
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