Scaevola Aemula – Beautiful Flower from Australia

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Recently, a beautiful flower native to Australia – Scaevola Aemula from the almost unknown family Goodeniaceae-has been appearing more and more often in our flower beds.

Scaevola aemula is an annual with creeping shoots reaching a height and width of up to 50 cm (1.6 ft), the leaves are toothed, up to 9 cm (3.5 inches) The flowers are pale blue, blue, unusual fan-shaped, 2.5 cm (1 inches) in diameter; they bloom in summer. Varieties with lilac-blue, white flowers are bred.

Scaevola grows well in sunny and semi-shaded areas. It is not picky about the soil, but thrives best on well-drained soil. In the hot, dry summer, you will be grateful for regular watering and 2-fold monthly fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It is resistant to rain and wind. Wilted shoots-self-cleaning! Propagated by seeds (in spring) and cuttings (in summer).

Scaevola is an excellent groundcover plant! In addition, it is used as an ampel for hanging baskets and flower arrangements in containers.

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