Tag: Perennial Plants Care

Lilies: Choose the Right Variety and Prepare for Landing (Part 1)

August and September are the right time for planting lilies. So, now you should think about the choice of planting material and decide on the placement of new products in the garden. Should I buy sprouted bulbs? Is it possible to plant sprouted lilies in autumn? And what happens if […]

Clematis – King of Vines: Cultivation, Species, Varieties (Part 3)

The first meeting with a well-grown clematis is simply stunning: in front of you is a green wall, completely covered with flowers-stars. On one plant at the same time can bloom up to 500 flowers at the same time! ‘Piilu’ The grade of the Estonian selection. The flowers are pink-purple, […]

Clematis – King of Vines: Cultivation, Species, Varieties (Part 2)

This is a perennial vine, which is characterized by rapid growth, endurance and, most importantly, a great, bright and long flowering. Early blooming varieties in the middle lane bloom in may, mass flowering — from June to frost. Overview of varieties of clematis From the variety of varieties we have […]

Clematis – King of Vines: Cultivation, Species, Varieties (Part 1)

Writing about clematis modern authors with good reason, though corny, call it “a true masterpiece among the climbing”, “king of the climbing”, “star among the vines” , etc. Introduction to clematis So, clematis, it is mainly climbing plant, rising up with leaf stalks, which in contact with the support quickly […]

10 Best Colorful Varieties of Irises for Your Garden

Flowers of irises are plants that you can endlessly admire their rainbow coloring that will decorate any of the flower beds in your garden. And today I invite you again to the Botanical Garden, where colorful, multi-colored varieties of irises are patiently waiting for our attention. We will turn our […]