Periwinkle – traditional ground cover plants, especially for shaded areas. The wild form of the small (and perhaps many of its varieties) makes even the darkness of the lime forest (Park) and spruce forest, although not blooming in such conditions, but creates thick homogeneous carpets. This is one of the […]
Rhododendrons in Garden Design: Harmonious Compositions
All Heather have a special, as they say “ericoid appearance”, a little reserved and very elegant. They stand out for their evergreen hard foliage, like a well-tanned skin, and during flowering amaze the imagination with a riot of color, richness of shades. They can completely transform any garden, bringing to […]
Leucojum: Views, Description, Photos. Planting and Reproduction.
Among the many bulbous plants that we are successfully grown at their dachas, still rare Leucojum family Amaryllidaceae. Species and varieties are few, but they have one great feature — they bloom at different times of the year, which will allow you to admire these exquisitely touching flowers in spring, […]
Fritillaria: Species and Characteristics of Cultivation
Among the first spring flowers stand alone species of the genus Fritillaria. Although they are known in the culture since the XVI century, but has not received such wide circulation, like tulips or daffodils. Only the “advanced” gardeners have some types, and even then the most common and unpretentious. But […]
Anemóne Nemorósa – Tender Primrose
My childhood memories prompted me to write this article. The memory still keeps a spring outing with his parents in suburban copses, where every spring dissolve delicate anemone. The Latin name Anemone is translated as “daughter of the winds”. And even for early flowering this plant is often called snowdrop […]
Undersized Perennial Bells: Photos, Species and Varieties, Cultivation
I don’t know about you, but I love the dwarf perennial bluebells. Love everything about it: its diminutive stature (the height of 5-30 cm), compactness, abundant blooms, simplicity. They are surprisingly different: some — “clump-forming” — form dense turf, others — “spreading” — lush bumps. They meet the flowers of […]