For official medicine, as it does not exist, although the first would not be without the second. Modern drugs are chemical analogues of natural substances. For thousands of years, people knocked down the temperature with aspirin, that’s just got it from the willow bark, and antibiotics — from mold, vitamins […]
Folk Recipes With Garlic from Different Diseases
The simplest but most effective recipe is to eat garlic daily. 2-3 slices, eaten during the day, will relieve insomnia and headache, will serve as a means to prevent atherosclerosis and avitaminosis, protect from flu and cold. Many familiar and another simple way to use garlic: peeled cloves cut, laid […]
Diet of Youth
Eating juicy carrots, broccoli or grapes, we care about our longevity. After all, they contain special substances-antioxidants, which guard our health and can even stop time. The topic of antioxidants has become popular relatively recently, but there is no sensation. Nature initially all reasonably set, giving these substances seem to […]