It was noted that when growing potatoes from botanical seeds, the resulting mini-tubers are absolutely free from all diseases. That is, using this method of growing potatoes, we can get a completely clean seed material.
As a rule, seed potatoes are harvested immediately after harvest. Dry, green and deposit separately. And so every year. At the same time, after 5-6 years, potatoes begin to degenerate due to the constant accumulation of viral and bacterial diseases. In this case, it is customary to update the seed material, for which the owner usually goes to the market and buys another variety. With other sores.
Growing Technology
At the initial stage, seed propagation requires increased attention, but no more than, for example, caring for lobelia or petunia. Potatoes are grown in seedlings, the seeds should be sown no later than the end of March.
For sowing, it is convenient to choose a container with a lid. The substrate should be loose, structured, well-absorbing water. You do not need to pour a lot, just 3-4 cm (1.2-1.6 inch) of soil moistened before sowing, the seeds are pre-soaked in a solution of a stimulant such as Zircon or EPIN.
Seeds are carefully laid out on the surface of the soil, they do not need to be filled in from above. Potato sprouts are very fragile, not all will be able to break through even a small layer of soil.
The upper landing container should be covered with polyethylene. It is important that in the coming days (before sowing) the seedlings are warm and dark. The window sill is not suitable, it is better to put them on a warm battery, putting a plate, an old magazine or several newspapers on the bottom. In the coolness, the probability of rotting seeds is high.
Every day, the seedlings need to be opened for inspection and ventilation. As soon as the first sprouts appear, cover the shoots and expose them to the light.
The seeds germinate quickly, and in 2-3 weeks they are ready for diving. This is an important and almost jewelry-making process. The fact is that the shoots are thin and brittle, it is very easy to break them. Carefully, with a spoon or two toothpicks, take out the seedlings with a lump of earth and transplant them into separate cups. It is not necessary to compress the roots, and it is desirable to plant them almost in the mud. Given that potatoes belong to the Solanaceae family, it is recommended to water the plants with a solution of phytosporin.
Now the seedlings continue to develop separately. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is always of moderate humidity. Water the plants carefully, trying not to wet the leaves and stem, spraying is contraindicated. It is convenient to pour water into a tray in which there are glasses. And the humidity is easier to control, and the roots will know exactly where to reach.
After about a month, you will need to transfer the potato seedlings to larger pots. The root system will have fully mastered the small container by this time and will need to increase the volume of soil. In addition, as a rule, the seedlings are stretched, bent. During transshipment, you can spoil it. After that, additional roots will begin to form on the stem, which will have a good effect on the yield.
How to determine the time of planting seedlings in the open ground? Of course, in the spring, mass planting of potatoes will begin in the usual way. When the neighbors ‘ seedlings turn green, the seedlings can be planted-around the middle of May. It is advisable to add sawdust or sand to the planting pit to make the soil more loose.
Now potatoes grown from seed will develop as usual. It needs the same care as the planted tubers – weeding, hoeing, watering. Unfortunately, it is also loved by the Colorado beetles, so you will need the usual protection or fight against them.
Potatoes are dug up at the usual time. Do not expect huge harvests in the first year, you can get about 1-1.5 kg of potatoes from one plant. Most likely, it will be small (like a quail egg), the nodules will be in the amount of 15-20 pieces, that is, the reproduction coefficient of 1:15 is not less! However, it is possible that some will grow so that they can be cooked and taste the first harvest.
These are mini-tubers. Perfect, disease-free planting material. When planted next year, it will yield a crop that matches the variety. The resulting tubers will be called super-super elite (AAA+).
Seed potatoes are prepared for storage in the same way as regular ones – they are green and stored separately from the products.
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