If you ask me what exactly I love about daisies, it probably won’t be easy to find the answer. And yet there is something touching for the soul, attractive. I also planted large-flowered varieties, but still simple white and pink daisies seem to me the most attractive.
Daisies are usually grown as biennial plants. When grown from seed in the first year, they have a beautiful rosette of leaves, low and compact. And in the second year, the bush grows significantly and blooms profusely.
If the faded inflorescences are not removed, they give self-seeding. However, varietal plants at the same time lose their characteristics, becoming the most common.
But the blooming meadow with daisies is really impressive! Moreover, if you mow them down, when the plants bloom and lose their attractiveness, become untidy, they will grow back great and can even bloom again!
Sow them in the ground in mid-summer and in seedling boxes, plant seedlings in the fall on flower beds. Seeds germinate in the light, so they should not be buried, just lightly dust the soil and press down so that they fit snugly to the ground. And you can divide bushes and replant plants at any time, even during flowering.
To be honest, I did not like to breed daisies by dividing the bush: young, grown from seed rosettes look much more attractive, in my opinion. But if you want to quickly get a lot of flowering plants, you can resort to this method. If the divided bushes are well watered and shaded for the first time to prevent the hot bright sun, they will not only take root quickly, but will continue to bloom!
In general, the crops of daisies are loved. They feel good in the water, grow well on clay soil, on sand and require systematic watering. However, the care of daisies on this, perhaps, and ends: these are very undemanding flowers.
I have many wonderful years they grew on the shore of a small pond surrounded by sedums.
If there is enough moisture, daisies grow well in the sun, but in partial shade they feel no worse. Perhaps, in the sun, they only have shorter flower stalks, and in shaded areas — higher-that’s probably all the differences.
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