Herbal medicine, or herbal medicine, is one of the oldest areas of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese herbal medicine today is a complex and harmonious system, which is based not only on the knowledge of medicinal plants and the mechanisms of their effect on the human body, but also on its own philosophy, which determines the principles of preparation and use of herbal medicines. The Chinese approach to herbal treatment differs significantly from the usual European approach. What are its main differences?
1. Individual approach to treatment
Any organism has its own characteristics, it is strictly individual. The same symptoms can have different causes; the same disease can occur in completely different ways. And if in the European tradition, the doctor prescribes treatment based on the established diagnosis or a specific symptom, then in the Chinese tradition, the determining factors are the physiological characteristics of the patient, the type of his body, the nature of the distribution and movement of energy.
According to Chinese philosophy, the cause of the disease is a violation of the balance of Yin and Yang, and proper treatment is designed to restore it, normalize the circulation of Qi energy along the meridians and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. When choosing herbs, the Chinese doctor always takes into account the general state of the body of a particular patient, so the same diagnosis may be different when prescribing.
It is also important that herbal medicine is always used in combination with other therapeutic effects. An experienced doctor knows various methods, and this allows him to choose exactly the procedures that are necessary for the patient — individually, based on the characteristics of his body and the combination of factors identified during the diagnosis.
2. The goal is to improve the body, not eliminate the symptom
European medicine in general and herbal medicine in its composition are focused on symptomatic treatment and impact on a specific (sick, damaged) organ. Traditional Chinese medicine is aimed at the general improvement of the body, the restoration of its disturbed functions.
Each symptom, from the point of view of the Chinese doctor, indicates an excess or lack of a certain energy, and the plant complex is selected in such a way as to make up for the missing and reduce, soothe the excess — that is, restore harmony. Each plant in Chinese herbal medicine, in turn, is considered as a carrier of energy potential; all the variety of natural remedies is divided into cold (Yin), hot (Yang), as well as cool, warm and neutral. A properly compiled phytocollection does not just affect a specific organism — it consciously triggers certain changes in the body in accordance with the set therapeutic goals.
This approach makes it possible to successfully use herbal preparations for the treatment of not only acute conditions, but also many chronic diseases, as well as for the general improvement of the body, improving immunity and preventing diseases. The process is long; herbs, gently affecting all organs and systems of the body, gradually normalize their functions, stimulate the processes of purification and regeneration. The result is a long-term steady improvement in the general condition, elimination of pathological processes, stable functioning of the circulatory, hormonal, gastrointestinal and other systems.
3. Complex composition of phytopreparations
The drug in Chinese herbal medicine is a complex complex consisting of several components (often used not only plant-minerals and ingredients of animal origin). To make herbal medicine, the doctor must have extensive experience and knowledge, which is not limited to information about the composition of medicinal herbs, their mutual influence and impact on the body (by the way: traditional Chinese medicine uses more than 2000 medicinal plants in its practice).
Herbal medicines have a certain structure, where all the components are interconnected and arranged in a clear hierarchical system. There is a main component-it is called “monarch”; without it, there can be no medicine, because it determines the main therapeutic effect. When choosing a monarch, the doctor proceeds from the characteristics of the patient’s body identified in the diagnosis; as a rule,the main active element of the phytocomplex becomes a powerful, highly effective phytopreparation.
To strengthen the influence of the monarch, to regulate and direct the energy flows caused by it — is the function of the second component, called the “Minister”. The third – “assistant” – is selected in such a way as to contribute to the elimination of concomitant diseases and increase the effectiveness of the first two elements of the composition. Finally, the fourth component-the “guide” – is responsible for the transport of drugs, their “delivery to the address” and assimilation by the body.
Take note
This has already been mentioned, but it is probably worth emphasizing: the Chinese doctor always chooses treatment individually, strictly for a specific patient. And herbal medicine can be both an independent method, and part of a whole set of measures recommended by a specialist.
The expediency of using a particular method is determined by the doctor during the diagnosis. Of course, the final decision is up to you, but it should be understood that the proposed appointment, as a rule, is a well-thought-out, reasonable system, and the final result of treatment depends on each of its elements.
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