Various chemicals have firmly entered our lives, they can be found in every kitchen, in every bathroom. Alkalis and acids are used both in everyday life and in production. And do not forget about the danger associated with their use – chemical burns.
Important! First aid for chemical burns is significantly different from first aid for burns received in contact with a hot object.
Symptoms of chemical burns
- Clearly defined boundaries of the affected area of the skin; there are often characteristic stripes — “spots” that depart from the main lesion, which are formed when a chemical substance spreads over the skin.
- Dry scab (crust) below the level of adjacent (intact) tissues; appears as a result of dehydration of the affected area of the skin. The color of the scab may vary depending on which chemical compound caused the burn.
- Acute pain, burning sensation in the affected area.
- Swelling and hyperemia (redness) at the site of injury.
- Probably the presence of necrosis of the epidermis (skin).
- There is a possibility of loss of consciousness as a result of pain shock.
The severity of the lesion and the severity of the symptoms depend on the amount of the chemical on the skin, its concentration and reactivity.
Chemical burn by acid
It should be remembered that some acids can not only cause chemical burns of varying severity, but also have a general toxic effect on the human body.
First aid for acid burns
1. Remove the victim’s clothes, which had a drop of chemicals on them. This should be done with the utmost care, avoiding acid contact with healthy skin. If it is not possible to remove clothes without contact, it must be cut.
2. In the first minutes, it is necessary to remove chemicals from the skin. The best way is to rinse with a jet of water for 10-15 minutes. If first aid was provided later, the affected area should be washed for 30-40 minutes.
Attention! If the cause of the burn is hydrofluoric acid, washing should be carried out within 2-3 hours.
3. Apply a dry aseptic (sterile) dressing with a bandage or gauze.
4. Call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient.
Important! If acid gets into your mouth, you should call an ambulance immediately.
What to do if you have swallowed acid
If a substance containing acid has entered the gastrointestinal tract, the victim can be given one of the neutralizing liquids to drink: a weak soda solution, soapy water or milk.
Chemical damage to the oral cavity and pharynx by acid is dangerous because of the likelihood of edema that interferes with breathing. If this happens, artificial respiration is necessary.
When helping a person with a chemical burn, it is prohibited:
- Lubricate the burned areas with fats, oils and various ointments.
- Try to remove the formed scab from the skin.
- Remove the acid from the skin with cotton, paper or towels.
If you don’t know exactly which acid caused the burn, don’t try to neutralize it yourself! Your actions should be limited to washing the affected area of the skin under running water or baking soda solution.
Chemical burn with alkali
Alkaline burn is difficult to separate by external signs from burns with other chemical compounds. When burned with acid, it has a grayish color, not yellow-brown, and less clear boundaries (alkalis penetrate into tissues slower and deeper than acid). However, these signs seem clear and understandable, and in life everything can look very different.
Therefore, it is possible to understand exactly that the cause of the burn was alkali only if you know what is included in the composition of the substance that caused the lesion. In all other situations, it is better to proceed from the more general concept of “chemical burn”, since specific methods of treating an alkaline burn, if applied to an acid burn, are better to do, but it can be worse.
Any household equipment contains alkali
In a modern apartment, you can find almost any chemical compounds, from harmless to extremely dangerous, and alkali is no exception. Moreover, they are based on the lion’s share of so-called household chemicals: alkalis perfectly dissolve fat, and almost all detergents are made on their basis.
The list of household goods containing alkali includes:
- detergent;
- bleaches;
- means for washing dishes;
- products for dishwashers;
- fat soluble means for cleaning the kitchen;
- Soaps, shampoos and shower gels;
- floor cleaning products;
- means for washing of bathroom equipment;
- means for cleaning of sewer pipes.
In principle, any household chemicals with soap properties can be suspected that it contains alkali – most likely, you will not be mistaken. And in general, the danger in itself lies in the fact that even liquid soap, harmless to the skin, can seriously harm health if it gets on the mucous membranes, in the eyes or stomach. What can we say, for example, about bleach or pipe cleaners – they can cause burns even on the skin, and if they get into the stomach, they can even lead to death.
First aid for alkali burns
At the initial stage, first aid for alkaline skin burns is no different from first aid for any other chemical burn. If the alkali has soaked the clothes, it should be removed immediately and very carefully, trying not to touch the intact skin, and the burn site should be rinsed under cool running water.
At the same time, the water pressure should be relatively weak, and it should be washed for at least 20 minutes: chemicals, especially alkalis, penetrate very quickly into the tissues, which increases the area and depth of the lesion. If it was not possible to wash the skin immediately after contact with alkali, the rinsing time should be increased to half an hour.
Attention! In no case do not wipe the affected areas with wet wipes – this further injures the tissues, promotes deeper penetration of alkali and worsens the situation.
If no blisters have formed on the skin, and you are sure that this is an alkaline burn, you can try to neutralize the remnants of the reagent: gently blot the affected area with a swab soaked in a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid (this solution should taste slightly sour). If blisters form, then an aseptic dressing should be applied to the affected surface after washing and consult a doctor.
If alkali gets into the eye, it should also be rinsed under cool running water for at least 15-20 minutes, then immediately consult a doctor.
What to do if you swallow lye
There is only one way out – to call a doctor immediately. Or, if this is not possible, contact the emergency department of the nearest hospital. Before the doctor arrives, you can rinse your mouth and throat. You should not take any medications, try to induce vomiting, eat and drink.
Attention! Do not try to flush the stomach yourself before the arrival of doctors, this may lead to additional burn of the food pathways. Gastric lavage in this case is carried out only through a gastric tube.
Be careful when using any chemicals, take care of your health.
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