Various allergic diseases are increasingly found in the modern world. In a special risk group are cottagers, constantly in contact with a variety of allergens — pollen, fertilizers and chemicals for plant protection, insects and so on.
Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cope with allergies without resorting to pills. In fact, traditional medicine offers enough recipes to combat the manifestations of this disease. But before you use them, you should weigh the potential pros and cons of such a solution.
The advantages and disadvantages of national resources
Medicinal plants have been used since ancient times to combat various pathological conditions, and allergic reactions are no exception. However, like any method of treatment, folk remedies have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:
- full naturalness of the components used, that is, the absence of synthesized artificial substances in their composition;
- fewer side effects compared to conventional drugs if used correctly;
- lower price for traditional medicine in comparison with pharmaceutical drugs used in classical treatment.
However, despite the rather significant advantages, there are folk remedies and disadvantages, which many patients forget:
- each used ingredient retains contraindications and side effects that must be considered;
- if you are allergic to apply the funds on the basis of plant stands with caution, because incorrect choice of drug allergies may increase;
- treatment with folk remedies is much slower than using pharmaceutical drugs prescribed by a doctor.
Any person who decides to get rid of allergies with the help of folk recommendations should be aware of not only the advantages but also disadvantages of the method, take into account the existing contraindications and concomitant diseases. It is best to consult with your doctor.
Popular recipe
Arsenal of traditional medicine has a variety of recipes to help cope with allergic reactions: homemade ointments, creams, decoctions and tinctures relieve symptoms and prevent the development of the disease. You can also use herbs to prepare soothing baths.
Let’s start with the ointments. To cope with skin rashes due to allergies will help the following recipes:
- mix a handful of dried crushed rhizomes Inula and 5 tablespoons unsalted lard, 20 minutes to hold the resulting mixture on low heat, and then, carefully strain, apply warm ointment on inflamed and itchy areas;
- within two weeks, apply to the problem areas of the skin ointment made of vaseline and birch tar, mixed in a ratio of 1:1;
- 50 g Bidens pour a glass of sunflower oil and protomes on fire for 8 hours, after cooling apply on damaged skin.
Useful in the fight against skin manifestations of Allergy baths with infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants. You can use one of the following recipes:
- 50 g Bidens pour boiling water. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath, and then added to the bath.
- 50 g Thymus pour 800 ml of water, boil, and then stand on low heat for another 5-7 minutes. The resulting broth is added to the bath and take it before going to bed.
- 75 g chopped rhizomes Acorus pour 800 ml of boiling water. The infusion is left for half an hour, and then added to the usual water in the bath.
Herbal teas and tinctures
To fight not only with external manifestations of allergies, but also with its causes, it is recommended to use various decoctions and tinctures for oral administration. There are a large number of different recipes. The most popular are:
- Lemna Tincture
To prepare the tincture, take 50 g of Lemna and after thorough washing pour 50 ml of vodka. Infuse the drug is necessary for a week. The resulting tincture is taken four times a day, spreading 15 drops of the drug in a glass of plain water.
- A Decoction Of Achillea
To prepare the broth you will need only 30 g of dried Achillea and ordinary water. The grass is brewed with boiling water and left to infuse for half an hour. The resulting tool is taken four times a day for 50 g.
How to improve the effectiveness and safety of treatment
Traditional medicine is popular because of its effectiveness and safety, but few people know that you can increase the impact of the chosen means, using simple recommendations. Indispensably:
- combine the use of folk recipes and remedies recommended by the attending physician;
- if possible, avoid contact with an established allergen;
- carefully choose a place to collect medicinal plants (it is forbidden to use ingredients extracted along the roadsides, in the city and in other similar places) or buy ready-to-use herbs in a pharmacy;
- monitor the cleanliness of the room, regularly carry out wet cleaning, making sure that the microclimate in the house where the allergic person lives, was good;
- therapy should always be started with one-component agents, adding new ingredients gradually to track negative reactions from the body;
- being engaged in preparation of recipes on national councils, it is necessary to observe accurately proportions;
- it is recommended to switch to diet, which will also be able to reduce the number of allergens in the body.
Compliance with simple recommendations will not only improve the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies, but also make the therapy safer.
When you can not treat allergies at home
Despite the proven effectiveness of traditional medicine recipes, one should not think that this is a panacea. Such an opinion is not only wrong, but also dangerous! After all, herbal decoctions, ointments and baths can not cope with all pathological conditions.
You can not try to cope with the following conditions with the help of folk recipes:
- angioedema – an acute inflammatory reaction, leading to a sharp narrowing of the respiratory tract; without specialized medical care, death can occur within 15 minutes;
- anaphylactic shock is an acute reaction to contact with the allergen, which is accompanied not only by respiratory, but also hemodynamic disorders (a sharp drop in pressure);
- bronchial asthma is a reaction of the bronchial tree to contact with the allergen, characterized by difficulties with breathing; the attack can lead to suffocation in a fairly short period of time.
Any of these conditions is regarded as particularly dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. In this case, hope for medicinal plants is dangerous!
In addition, doctors recommend to remember: if folk remedies do not give a visible result for a long time, their use should also be abandoned. Medicines prepared according to the recipes of our grandparents, alas, do not have absolute effectiveness for all patients.
Folk recipes can be a good help in the fight against allergies, but it is possible only if they are used wisely. Thoughtless use of recommendations intended for treatment at home can not only be useless, but also provoke deterioration of the patient’s condition.
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