By type of growth tomatoes can be divided into 5 main groups: dwarfs, short, medium, tall and very high. The last two are usually indeterminate varieties. We will now discuss the formation of such tomatoes.
Most gardeners on the site are standard greenhouses under polycarbonate insulation material. Their height is usually 2 m, width 3 m and length 4 to 10 m. Good shelter, but for indeterminate tomatoes is not enough height. Only they will go into a strong, assertive growth, only their flowering and ovary formation will begin to promise a rich harvest, as the crown rests against the ceiling and abruptly stop their development. Naturally, they do not give the maximum yield.
Despite this limitation of plant capacity, many authors report growing indeterminate hybrids in just 1 stem. I, based on the results of numerous and long-term experiments, with all responsibility can say that the formation of such tomatoes in 2 (and in some cases in 3) stem yield increases by at least 30-40%.
Yes, of course, the beginning of fruiting is slightly delayed, the total yield of bushes is given slowly — the term is slightly stretched. And with the same density of planting.
Remove side shoots and regulation
In most tall, especially large tomatoes, the first fruit brush appears above the 8-9-th sheet, and in some over the 11th sheet. Usually by the time of the formation of the first spike, the conditions to create 1 or 2 extra stems of the emerging laterals or side shoots.
Additional escape can be formed by you and over the first inflorescence. But neither on the main nor on the additional stems should be allowed to grow Stepsons: 5 cm Missed, re-grown in the same axils of leaves Stepsons have no right to interfere with the organic development of plants.
Remove side shoots can be done at any time of the day with good turgor of the whole plant. Often, it is better to work with each plant, clean scissors or pruning shears antiseptic.
Planted on the beds under the arches tall tomatoes with large fruits (more than 150 g) abundant fruiting will not boast, and cherry, formed in 2-3 stems, will amaze with its productivity. Conclusion — it is impossible to allow the tops of tall tomatoes to rest against the covering material of the greenhouse or greenhouse. Direct them parallel to the “ceiling” at a distance of 10-15 cm from it, fixing stems harmless soft cloth rope, cloth tape (old linens, shirts, etc).
An important condition for the effective cultivation of tall tomatoes is the normalization of the brushes, that is, the removal of excess, obviously doomed to underdevelopment of fruits. This technique helps plants to stay in good shape, and their fruits to be one-dimensional and beautiful. In addition, due to this simple operation, the number of ovaries increases by 20%, and the increase in yield reaches 30%.
Planting density
In high (2.5-4 m) greenhouses and greenhouses it is convenient to grow tall tomatoes in 1 row and 2 stems. The width of the beds at the same time can be 40 cm. For example, on a bed length of 2.5 m with a width of 40 cm will feel great 5 plants.
If the width of the beds is increased to 60 cm, it is better to plant tomatoes in 2 lines in a staggered order. With such a landing between the lines should be left 30 cm from the sides to retreat 15 cm And in the first and in the second embodiment, 1 m² beds can safely grow 5 plants.
If the beds are oriented from North to South, between them long distances and bright, burning streams of sunlight fall on the plants at least for 3 hours a day, then in compliance with other requirements for the cultivation of this crop without a large tasty harvest, we will not stay with you.
Leaf removal
The formation of the tomatoes is not only giving them the desired shape and remove side shoots, but also timely removal of leaves, lost their meaning. I will give 3 main situations when it is necessary to do.
- If the leaves touch the soil when planting or later, remove them immediately. Such contact is a road for unwanted bacteria, fungi and insect pests.
- The first fruits on the brush began to be colored, which means that all the leaves under it can be removed, leaving petioles 5-10 mm long, depending on the size of the sheet.
- It is very important to stop the growth of the Bush almost completely in time, so that the maximum possible harvest is ripe. For 30-40 days before the arrival of devastating cold weather, we must remove the end of the stem, cutting it off over the completed bloom brush and leaving over this 2 leaf nozzle. In addition, you must carefully carry out the rationing of the last brush.
Remember that the ripe fruit should not hang on the bushes, from this they will not taste better. But to slow down the overall development of the plant, flowering and fertilization, filling and maturation of tomatoes, located above, will not fail.
It is necessary to understand that no formation will give good results if not to feed, not to water and not to treat plants in a timely manner. I often say that it is necessary not only to appreciate the fruits of their labor, but also to understand the plants, without which all efforts will be in vain. Really, you can love not for something, no matter what. And if, despite the apparent difficulties in growing tomatoes, you learn to hear them, allow small whims, understand and forgive, you will never part with this wonderful culture.
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