It is impossible to live with such neighbors. They suck our vitality, poison us with their waste products, ruining your appetite and your mood, make you sick with colds several times a year. Who are they? Is parasites worms.
Of course, we must get rid of them! And as soon as possible, especially now there are many different drugs-Anthelmintics. However, it is not necessary to rush to the pharmacy: traditional medicine has a large Arsenal of tools, no less effective than tablets. The basis of folk recipes are medicinal herbs that are detrimental to the worms and remove them from the body.
Features of treatment with folk remedies
Incorrect deworming or its absence leads to serious health consequences, so before treatment with folk remedies, you should consult a doctor. Among other things, the specialist will determine the existing contraindications; in the presence of diseases of the liver, kidneys, hypertension and some other diseases, many treatments may have to be abandoned.
Folk remedies have many advantages over medical treatment:
- at the correct dosage safely act on the human body;
- have a minimum of contraindications and side effects;
- simultaneously with the main action of plant fees, infusions, decoctions saturate the body with nutrients and have a positive impact on many of its organs and systems.
For more effective results, treatment should be carried out in 3 stages;
- preparatory stage
It is necessary to remove toxins from the body. To this end, pumpkin seed oil is taken for a week;
- dehelmintization
During this stage, take the prescribed drugs-Anthelmintics and/or infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs;
- recovery phase
Provides for the normalization of the body as a whole: it is necessary to follow a diet, take funds to restore the functions of the body damaged in the process of parasites.
Folk remedies for worms
Varieties of worms quite a lot. Some species react to herbal preparations for getting rid of the other is necessary to apply a healing agent much longer. Therefore, we consider the methods of treatment depending on the kind of worm infections.
The treatment of ascariasis and enterobiasis folk remedies
Effective remedies for these ailments will be found in every housewife: onions, garlic, spices. Medicinal herbs used for the preparation of anthelmintic drugs are also available — they can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy.
- Garlic
During the week in the morning on an empty stomach to eat a few cloves of garlic.
- Onion tincture
Chop the onion. Pour so much vodka that it covered the onion gruel, insist a week. Before use, strain and take 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals for 3 days.
- Onion gruel
Chop the medium-sized onion, add a little salt, add vegetable oil and eat the resulting slurry overnight for 5 days.
- Pumpkin seed
Purified and crushed 100 g of seeds mixed with 0.5 cups of vegetable oil. Leave to infuse overnight and eat in the morning. Course – 3 days, repeat it after 2 days.
Can be done differently: crushed pumpkin seeds (30-40 g) mix with honey, eat on an empty stomach in the morning. After an hour, need to drink any laxative.
- Walnut
From green walnuts to get the kernels. 4 tablespoons chopped kernels pour a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour. The resulting amount of infusion should be drunk in small portions throughout the day. The consumption of laxatives is required.
- Pomegranate peel
5 g (about 1 teaspoon) of dry or fresh pomegranate crusts, grind to a powder and brew in 1/2 Cup boiling water. Strain after half an hour. Drink this portion immediately and repeat 2 more times during the day.
- Milk-garlic enema
Peel the medium head of garlic and cook it over low heat with a glass of milk until it softens completely. With strained and cooled broth to make an enema. In children, the volume of injected fluid depends on age. Course – 1 week. At the same time, you can take drugs prescribed by a doctor.
- Tansy
1 tbsp. spoon of dry inflorescences and cups of boiling water to make an infusion. Strain, cool it and drink 4 tablespoons 4 times a day shortly before meals.
Infusion for enemas is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp of raw material for 0.5 cups of boiling water. Insist 3 hours, strain. Heated in a water bath to +36 degrees infusion to make a cleansing enema daily at night for a week.
- Anthelmintic herbal
Take equal parts of inflorescences of tansy, camomile, wormwood. 1 tbsp. spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, to insist to cool. Drink infusion of 1 glass in the morning and evening for 3 days.
- Condiment
Cloves or coriander are used. Dry spices (you can pre-pierce them in a dry pan) to grind in a coffee grinder or pepper mill. Take 10 minutes after eating according to the scheme: 1 day to 0.5 g per reception; 2nd day-1.0 g; 3-rd day – 1.5 g More, a dose increase is not necessary to continue taking 1.5 g. the Course of treatment is 9 days.
Treatment of giardiasis folk remedies
Get rid of Giardia will help the usual vegetable crops — garlic and horseradish.
- Garlic tincture
This tool is treated giardiasis at any age. 200 ml of vodka and 50 grams of garlic, put in a dark glass container, tightly resealed. Infuse for a week. Take 3 times a day for half an hour before eating 20 drops on water or milk. Child means given at the rate of 1 drop for each year of life three times a day.
- Horseradish
Clean spine 2-3 horseradish, cover with cool water. Cover the jar tightly. Withstand at room temperature for 3 days, then strain. In the resulting liquid, add honey in a ratio of 1:1. Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for another 3 days, periodically shaking the liquid.
Take 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day; children over 10 years and adults — a large spoon, kids up to a year — half a small spoon. The course of treatment is 10 days, it is repeated after a week, if the symptoms have not passed.
Folk remedy for tapeworm
With the expulsion of this parasite folk medicine again calls on the help of garlic.
- Raw garlic
Every morning eat 10 cloves of garlic without chewing and drinking boiled milk. Large slices cut into pieces. After 2 hours, you need to take a laxative.
- Garlic broth
Cook 5 peeled cloves in a glass of milk over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse for another 10 minutes, then strain. The resulting broth to eat before each meal for a week.
- Pumpkin seeds with cranberry juice
Peeled and chopped pumpkin seeds to mix with cranberry juice to make a paste. On the eve of treatment it is recommended to eat more salted herring. The next morning you need to take half of the pumpkin and cowberry gruel, an hour later – the rest. After this, lie quietly in bed for 2 hours, then get up, drink castor oil, and a little walk around the room. After 3-4 hours the parasite needs to go.
General recommendations for the treatment of helminthiasis folk remedies
During treatment, it is important to follow a diet. Exclude from food any dairy products and fatty foods. Vegetable dishes, including potato, cereal porridge, low-fat soups, rye bread are welcome.
Mandatory condition after taking infusions or decoctions — cleansing enemas or the use of laxatives. This is necessary in order to remove from the intestine decomposed helminths, otherwise they will poison the poisonous substances and products of its decay of the human body.
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