The leek is much more common to see in the store than the garden beds. And in vain, because it is a vegetable several times more fruitful than his onion, besides the white “legs” (false stem) leek is very tender and delicious, has a pleasant slightly spicy taste (more subtle than the onion).
Pearl onions (this is the second name of leek) is very useful: it has a lot of ascorbic acid (and its amount increased during storage), vitamins of group b, and A, PP, E, H, minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron). And as far as this bow is versatile in the kitchen! salads, soups, main dishes, sauces, snacks, toppings for the preparation of all of the leek fits just perfect.
This unusual onion to grow is not as difficult as many think. The main thing — to determine the time of its planting the seedlings, because it largely depends on the time of harvest.
How To Grow Spicy Leek?
long growing season (about 6 months), therefore in temperate regions it is grown through seedlings. To begin planting need in the middle of March (or in April in a greenhouse).
- In the seedling cassette, lay the seeds, sprinkle a thin layer of soil, lightly tamp and cover until germination film. Leek seeds vicevice sparsely — 1-2 seeds in each cell: then later you have to dive seedlings.
Daylight at this time should be 10-12 hours, respectively, early seedlings need to Shine artificial light.
- To plant seedlings in open ground in the second half of the decade of may (frost plants are not afraid). But that the seedlings are well established, before planting her temper It: take out the box for a few days in the garden and put in a windless place in partial shade.
To plant leeks is desirable rows (the distance between them is 40 cm) in loose, humus-rich soil.
- To legs were long and white, put the seedlings in furrows or pits with a depth of 12-15 cm and irrigation with a jet wash the earth to the plants that it gradually covered the stems. The growth of leek Spud it (3-4 times per season).
Young leeks are growing very slowly. Leg begins to increase in diameter only after 2-3 months from the time of sowing.
Important: on the same “space” with the leeks get along well with tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, celery.
The most valuable of this plant — its spicy taste “false stem” or “leg”. It was the most tender and tasty, the plant should periodically hill, adding the ground to the leaves. Clean the leeks in the fall (late September — early October) and stored undermine the ground in the sand at a temperature of 0 °C…+1 °C.
It is worth noting that in the South, the leeks can be grown nonseedlings way:
To do this, sow onion straight on the on the soil at the end of June, then to winter, the young plants will have time well to get stronger. In October hide them from frost. Of course, the harvest you can collect only next year. Also leeks in open ground, you can sow in October and then mulch the bed of peat. Expect germination the following spring.
Features of Growing Seedlings
From the time of sowing to planting seedlings in open ground it takes about 60-70 days (when formed 2-3 true leaves). Prior to germination the temperature in the room should be 22 …+24 °C, then it should be reduced to +17 °C…+20 °C during the day and +10 °C…+12 °C at night (if the room is constantly hot, flower arrows of plants formed in the first year, not second, as it should be).
Early gardeners were advised to shorten the leaves to about 8-10 cm, as it was considered that such a procedure contributes to the thickening of stem and root growth. Now experts say that this should be done only in two cases:
- If when landing you have damaged roots, then the leaf mass needed to reduce the otherwise high probability that the plant will die.
- Also trim the leaves when transplanting in summer, to reduce the area of evaporation. To do this, cut the leaves of young plants to a maximum of one-third of their length.
About Pests and Diseases of Leek
Onion mole is the worst enemy of all bulbous plants. Larvae settle within the stems.
Method of struggle: immediately after planting, seedling cover it with a light non-woven material.
Rust can be identified by yellow-brown spots on the leaves. To it does not hit the leeks, not planted it at the same place more than once every 4 years.
Legs, Hands and Flowers of leek
Leek is a biennial plant. In the first year he develops only the “leg” and leaves. In the second year it blooms, forming an arrow to a height of 1.5 m. the stem becomes hard and inedible. However, some plants may bloom in the first year, but the seeds do not have time to ripen properly.
How to Collect seeds of Leeks?
- Select a couple of strong healthy specimens and in the winter put them in the basement, and again in spring will plant in the garden.
- By the autumn, when it begins to crack the top of the box, cut the blossoms and dry in a dry, well-ventilated place.
- Then collect the seeds and put in a paper bag. They remain viable for 3 years. After drying, the flowers open, releasing the seeds.
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