Experienced gardeners-summer residents know that it is quite easy to propagate black currants. The ability to root it is very high, so that 90% of properly prepared rooted cuttings. With red currants, everything is different.
You need to start with the fact that the most successful way of reproduction of any currant — layering. That is, in the fall, the folded branch of an adult Bush is dug out or pressed to the ground. In this case, after a year, you get a young plant that can be transplanted to a permanent place. However, this way it is impossible to grow a large number of new bushes, unlike cuttings, and ask a neighbor to cut a branch of a pleasant variety easier.
Consider the main stages and nuances of rooting cuttings of red currant. The most favorable time for pruning planting material is from the beginning of August to mid-September. Selects one-year branches, that is, the growth of the current year. It can be distinguished by the lighter color of the bark. You can also use zero shoots that go directly from the root.
Unlike black currants, which have well-rooted cuttings taken from any part of the shoot, red ones are better adapted to those taken from the top of the branch. The optimal length of cuttings is 4-6 buds. From below, a sharp garden knife makes an oblique incision at a distance of 2 cm (0.8 inch) below the kidneys. The upper edge is straight, passing over the top of the kidney at a distance of 0.5-1cm (0.2-0.4 inch). Leaves are removed completely.
Next, cuttings are planted either on a planting bed, or in pots that will need to be dug out. The advantage of using separate containers is that in the spring you can free up the garden where they winter, and move them to any convenient place. In addition, the root system of a young plant is less injured when transplanted to a permanent place with a clump of soil.
The soil for rooting cuttings should be loose, well permeable to moisture and air. Cuttings are buried in the prepared soil at an angle of 45°. It is desirable to Orient the branch so that the lower Bud “looks” down. Only one Bud should remain above the soil surface, and the rest will participate in the formation of roots.
We water the planted cuttings, and if they were placed in containers, then dig them out in a convenient place. Before the onset of persistent cold weather, you need to make sure that the soil is sufficiently moist, and the roots can grow successfully.
This method of reproduction of red currants is most effective. However, perhaps green cuttings in early summer, when cultivation is used shoots of the current year.
Does red currant grow in your garden? Share your nuances of growing it in the comments.
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