Each of us has heard the word “immunity” from doctors in the clinic, from advertising on radio and television, from our grandparents. Everyone is talking about how important it is to maintain immunity, strengthen it and maintain the health of the immune system. Let’s see what kind of “beast” such — immunity, how it works and how it can be affected to maintain health for years to come.
Immunity, what is it?
Immunity is a natural protection of our body, the ability to resist infections. It is provided by the organs of the immune system that each person has: the thymus, or thymus gland — the main organ of the immune system; bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils.
All these bodies are United in a single complex system that works as a well-oiled mechanism. Its main task is to recognize “outsiders”, those alien agents that are not the environment of the body and seek to bring it out of balance. These include:
- bacteria,
- viruses,
- mushrooms,
- allergens,
- toxins,
- cancer cells — pathologically changed own cells of the body.
The immune system detects “outsiders” and includes protective mechanisms to combat them. Organs of the immune system begin in large numbers to develop specific cells (for each type of foreign agents) that attack the “enemy”, contact him, destroy and output.
As you can see, the state of immunity depends on our health, mood and health in General. Therefore, it is so important to support it and strengthen the immune system, helping it to perform its complex work. There are factors that can have a positive impact on our immune system, and negative — and we, of course, need to know and enemies, and friends of our immunity.
Enemies of immunity
Often, we ourselves unconsciously suppress our immunity, without doing anything seemingly harmful to our health. The main enemies of immunity:
- poor diet;
- stress;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- Smoking, alcohol;
- chronic lack of sleep;
- uncontrolled administration of antibiotics.
Poor diet
This includes, in particular, excessive consumption of sugar, refined oils, saturated fats. These products reduce the production and activity of cells responsible for the immune response.
During a strong nervous or physical stress in the body produced the so-called stress hormones — adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. These are complex chemicals that can inhibit the activity of cells of the immune system.
Sedentary lifestyle
Lack of movement leads to the fact that a person reduces the amount of oxygen in the circulating blood — and therefore, oxygen in insufficient quantities enters the organs and tissues. All this creates conditions for reducing immunity, the emergence of diseases.
Smoking and alcohol
Chemical substances included in tobacco, interfere with the functioning of organs and systems of man and suppress the immune system. So, the smoker, very often there are diseases of the respiratory system — bronchitis, asthma, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract; frequent cancer.
Alcohol, due to its chemicals, in particular, ethanol, also reduces the protective functions of the body. Ethanol disrupts metabolic processes in immune cells, which leads to their temporary dysfunction. Under the influence of alcohol reduces the production of special chemicals — cytokines, which protect the body from infection. A person becomes very vulnerable and susceptible to many diseases.
Chronic lack of sleep
During sleep, the body recovers its reserves, and its lack can lead to the development of health problems. People who do not comply with sleep and rest, sleep less than 6 hours a day, put themselves at great risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders — diabetes and obesity.
Uncontrolled administration of antibiotics
Unreasonable prescription of antibiotics (for example, in viral diseases), incomplete course of antibiotics or, conversely, an increase in the duration of administration can significantly reduce immunity.
The fact is that antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic bacteria that cause a particular disease, but also useful intestinal microflora. It is in the intestine that substances are produced that are necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. Therefore, antibiotics should be taken only as directed by a doctor and strictly in recommended dosages.
Friends of immunity
Of course, our immunity has not only enemies, but also friends — those factors that contribute to the improvement of the protective functions of the body:
- hardening;
- full sleep;
- fruits and vegetables;
- active lifestyle.
The hardening procedure has long been known for its benefits to the body. It trains the immune system very well, increases the body’s resistance to diseases. There are many ways of hardening, and everyone can choose the most comfortable option for themselves. But it is important to remember that hardening should be smooth, with a gradual increase in the load and against the background of full health.
Full sleep
Sleep should be at least 6 hours a day, preferably 7-8 hours. Night in the human body is the activation of most metabolic and regenerative processes, which is better the body can cope in a dream. If a person is awake until late at night, the immune system requires more effort to solve its problems, and it naturally weakens.
Fruits and vegetables
The benefits of fruits and vegetables for the human body is known to all. Rich in vitamins and fiber, they are reliable friends of our immune system. The most important role is played by vitamins A, E and C, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system and are involved in the mechanisms of infection control.
Active lifestyle
Movement is life, and it really is! During the movement of the blood is saturated with oxygen, it enters a large number of organs and tissues, in particular, in the organs of the immune system. It strengthens the immune system.
Now we know what factors weaken our immune system, and what we need to do to strengthen it. All good health!
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