3. The impact of negative factors
And it’s not just about bad ecology. The absorption of vitamins by the body is negatively affected by both the exhaust gases we inhale and other elements of environmental pollution, as well as our own bad habits. Smoking and alcohol, excessive consumption of sweets and a passion for fast food contribute to the formation of vitamin deficiency.
So, if the recommended daily requirement for vitamin C for women is 55-75 mg, and for men 75-90 mg, then smokers, according to experts, should take at least 400 mg of this vitamin daily (this is for those who smoke no more than 10 cigarettes a day; those who take a whole pack, the amount of vitamin C should be increased to 500-600 mg per day).
In addition, it should be borne in mind that the use of certain pharmaceutical drugs (including contraceptives, antibiotics, antidepressants) can lead to a lack of vitamins in the body.
What vitamins do we lack in the spring?
As a rule, by spring we begin to feel a lack of vitamin C. Why exactly is it? There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, the source of vitamin C is mainly vegetable products: vegetables, fruits, berries. And their use in our region has a pronounced seasonal character: in winter, fresh fruits and vegetables occupy a rather modest place in the diet of most citizens.
Secondly, vitamin C is destroyed during the storage of products. Therefore, even those who regularly eat fresh apples, oranges, cabbage, tomatoes in the cold season may receive an insufficient amount of vitamin.
Thirdly, it is this vitamin that our body needs more than all the others. And in winter, this need only increases, while the intake of vitamin in the body decreases.
So, you need to take vitamins in tablets?
But here everything is not so simple. If we talk about vitamin C, then it is really recommended to take it in the form of a pharmacy drug in those months when it is problematic to get the necessary amount of this necessary substance with food. Vitamin C does not accumulate in the body, its excess (hypervitaminosis) is an extremely rare phenomenon, and the need for it, as already mentioned, is very high. Therefore, taking synthetic vitamin C in winter is a justified and appropriate measure that helps prevent vitamin deficiency.
But drinking “just in case” all sorts of vitamin complexes that manufacturers like to advertise so much, or individual synthetic vitamins is not a very successful idea.
Reckless and unjustified intake of vitamin preparations or exceeding the recommended doses can provoke hypervitaminosis. This applies primarily to fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), which accumulate in the body, unlike water-soluble ones. And in some cases, it can be dangerous for your health.
For example, an excess of vitamin D leads to the deposition of calcium on the walls of blood vessels, in the heart, kidneys, lungs; an overdose of vitamin A provokes disorders of the liver, spleen, increased intracranial pressure, joint pain, menstrual cycle failures. Prolonged use of vitamin E preparations can cause headaches, weakness, digestive disorders, hypoglycemia, muscle cramps, and high doses of synthetic vitamin K cause hemolytic jaundice.
As for water-soluble vitamins, their excess is excreted from the body with urine, so it is simply pointless to take synthetic drugs without having medical indications.
And how to prevent vitamin deficiency?
The recipe is ridiculously simple and accessible — but at the same time complex, because it requires a certain self-discipline. Taking a “magic pill” in the hope of an easy solution to all problems is certainly much easier. But if you want to maintain your health in the most useful and effective way, you should take care of following the following rules:
- adhere to a varied and balanced diet;
- there are more fresh vegetables and fruits all year round;
- do not abuse fast food, sweets, refined products, alcohol;
- quit smoking;
- take care of the proper storage of products;
- avoid prolonged heat treatment of food.
In addition, it is important to take into account the individual needs of the body and make a diet, focusing on age, gender, health status and other significant factors. Usually these measures are enough to prevent vitamin deficiency.
In cases where it is impossible to satisfy the body’s need for vitamins at the expense of food products for one or another objective reason, it is recommended to take synthetic drugs to prevent their deficiency. However, it is necessary to do this consciously and purposefully, making up for the lack of exactly the vitamin that is needed. You should not drink vitamins “just in case” and “in reserve”.
Eat right and be healthy!
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