To be honest, when I first heard the word, I thought it was some kind of disease. It turned out that the so-called flower: very beautiful, but still quite rare . At least in our region.
In particular, we have this flower growing only the first year. If you’ve never seen him like me before, you can learn a little about him here.
A buttercup is an extremely beautiful flower, similar to a rose or dahlia. I have a growing variety that is unremarkable, but there are many different more beautiful species in nature.
In general, they are perennials, but in some cooler climates they rarely survive. Therefore, in most cases, they are dug up like dahlias. They have roots like dahlias…
This “view” is generally similar to the Aster)).
Blooms in June-July. Planting is around the middle of May, but it depends on the weather. The tubers are soaked in water for several hours, and then planted in the soil.
In autumn, the tubers are dug out. Reproduction is also carried out by tubers. It should be said that the buttercup likes to grow in sunny, and at the same time, moist places. But they also don’t like excess moisture.
But such buttercups we, alas, do not yet have:
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