Gifts made with their own hands are always special. Fragrant hearts, charming sofa pillows or funny soft toys will first of all please children. But adults, many of them will like.
For the most loved
Sometimes the kids in the evening so naughty that they are very difficult to calm down and put to bed. You will come to the aid of these cute pads, because the aroma of lavender promotes a peaceful and serene sleep. However, as Valentines for Valentine’s day, they will also look great.
Cute pads
You will need:
- flap of unbleached linen cloth
- green threads for embroidery
- rocaille and Indian beads fuchsia, lilac and purple with a diameter of 2.6 mm
- lilac paint for fabrics
- dried lavender or cotton flowers for filling
- 1 m of green satin ribbon 3 mm wide
- green lacquered wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm
- light green and purple glass beads and cubes
- starch
- pencil-phantom (with disappearing ink)
In addition:
- tailor scissors
- thin cardboard
- Combi-clippers
- wooden spoon
- needle for sewing, pins
- needle for embroidery
- sewing machine
- purple and white thread for sewing
- sponge
Pattern diagram
Job description
1. The motif of a heart with leaf motifs to increase to the appropriate size, to be put on thin cardboard and cut out. Fold the flap of the canvas in half and cut a square larger than the motif. On top of the pattern to impose, fix it with pins, cut with allowances for the cut. Then, on the sewing machine to lay the line close to the edge of the template, leaving the seam open area to fill in the “filling”.
2. Then the heart cut out with seam allowances width of 0.5 cm since the heart is not turned, the sections were treated with starch, and leave until dry. Now, when filling with dried lavender or cotton wool on the cut will not form a fringe.
3. The heart is carefully filled, paying attention to the uniform distribution of the filler throughout the volume. Then open area in the seam sew by hand with small stitches. If necessary, cut off the excess cloth.
4. Pencil-phantom draw on the heart of the motif for embroidery (after a while traces of pencil disappear). Green threads for embroidery embroider individual stitches stems and leaves. To the wreath to draw a circle and clockwise to embroider the leaves and stems.
Technology of work
5. Make three stitches. The length of the stitches can vary within one line, the stitches can be laid one on top of the other. Thread for sewing the appropriate color and beads to embroider flowers. To do this, according to the photo to string 2-3 pieces of beads and sew them with short stitches.
6. Dilute with water lilac paint, take a little of the mixture on the sponge and apply to the slices of the heart. Leave to dry the paint.
7. Narrow green ribbon for hanging heart folded in half and small stitches sew in the middle between the arcs of the heart. Near miss two braid green lacquered cut wire. Twist the wire and string beads on it according to the picture. Wire wrap two or three times around the tape. Align the wire and braid along the length and tie it with a knot. Trim the ends with scissors, hang the hearts on the ledge.
Motley owls
Not only at night, but also during the day will please you this cute couple, comfortably settled on the couch. Good mood is guaranteed.
Motley owls
You will need:
- blue cotton patches with a size of 35 x 90 cm 30 x 90 cm
- grey x / b flap size 20 x 90 cm
- 1 mm thick A4 felt in orange, lilac, crimson, pink, purple, blue and green colors
- yellow and blue felt 2 mm thick
- orange felt 3 mm thick
- 2 sets of black artificial eyes (15 mm)
- cotton wool for filling
- by 40 cm pink and crimson satin ribbon 3 mm wide
- tracing
- thin cardboard sheets
- pins
Pattern diagram
Job description:
1. Details of the pattern for the blue owl to increase from a sheet of motifs to the desired size, using tracing paper to transfer to cardboard and cut. When transferring the contours do not forget about the mark of the hole for filling with cotton. Blue cotton flap to be folded in half face inward, impose on top of the cardboard template and fix with pins. A pencil to trace the contours.
2. Details stitch on the sewing machine along the drawn contour, leaving open the hole to fill. Seam allowances cut to a width of 1 see Detail carefully remove.
3. For the second owl torso to carve out of the remaining cotton flap blue color, and the head of the gray, pre-folded, the two parts also in half face inward. To find details with seam 1 cm wide First, sew the head and body, then sew the parts of the body and gently twist.
Technology of work
4. Motifs for eyes, beak, feathers and flowers translate according to the photo to the appropriate felt flaps and cut. Glue the beak first, then felt mugs for eyes. Pliers to remove plastic eyes wire loops, eyes glued on felt circles.
5. Now paste on the body of the owl feathers like scales. After drying on the top row of feathers to paste a satin ribbon. On the second owl instead of feathers to paste multi-colored felt mugs and flowers.
6. At the end of both pillows to fill with cotton, while starting with the ears, filling them tightly. Then go to the body. Pillows should be filled so that they are flat rather than too tight.
7. The edges of the filling holes are sewn by hand with small stitches.
Many other gift ideas on the ” owl ” theme you will find in the collection of Owl-a symbolic and original gift.
Brisk children
The mouse can keep a secret, and it is always possible to entrust something valuable. And the girlfriend will surely be happy with such a creative gift.
You will need:
- opening a capsule of plexiglass (with a length of 21 and 15 cm)
- 2 halves of the black beads with a diameter of 6 mm and 8 mm for each mouse
- black pompons with a diameter of 11 and 15 mm
- cream, blue and brown paper with a wrinkled effect
- grey photograph
- the flap is white felt with a thickness of 1 mm (2 circles with a diameter of 10 mm and 2 circles with a diameter of 8 mm)
- 25 cm cream, blue and brown wick cord
- 3 cut brown tie wire length 10 cm
- white 3D felt-tip pen
- Carmine-red pencil
- tracing
- carbon paper
- simple pencil
- ruler
- hot glue gun
- adhesive pencil
- universal wire cutters
Pattern diagram
Job description:
1. Each capsule should be cleaned with a window cleaner, dried and opened. Paper to tear into small pieces. Halves of the capsules to treat the adhesive with a pencil and pasted pieces of paper. At the same time, ensure that the inner edge is not glued. If this happens, cut the paper with scissors.
2. From pieces of paper to roll into balls with a diameter of approx. 1 cm Glue capsules, row by row, these balls as in the photo, leaving only the smooth tapering part of the muzzle.
Technology of work
3. From the sheet of motifs to increase the size of the ears, transfer them using copy paper on cardboard and cut. Cardboard templates to paste over pieces of paper of the corresponding color. After 3-4 rows of paper balls glue ears on the head. Then the remaining balls to paste over the capsules.
4. To a wide part of a capsule to paste a piece of a cord in the form of a tail, on the end of a cord to tie a knot. From felt cut out two circles with diameters 8 and 10 mm. On the mug overlay and glue the half beads, the eyes glued to the muzzle of the mouse. Three pieces of brown wire length approx. 8-10 cm twist in the middle, put on the muzzle and glue a drop of hot glue, glue on top of a piece of paper. Hot glue to glue the pompom in the form of a nose. Lead color pencil slightly moisten with water and draw on the muzzle cheeks. 3D-marker to put the eye point of the pupil. In each capsule you can put some surprise, then close the mouse tightly.
Not scary at all…
Lovely creatures
You don’t find this couple adorable? The expression of humility, quiet waiting, but the cat’s sharp eyes notices everything and take notice.
Lovely creatures
You will need:
- cotton fabric: blue striped and polka dots
- light blue cotton fabric flap
- 1 m of blue ribbon 3 mm wide
- heart-shaped button
- 2 white buttons with a diameter of 15 mm
- 2 halves of black beads with a diameter of 8 mm
- black felt with a thickness of 2 mm
- black threads for embroidery
- small plastic bag with 100 g of sand for birds
- white 3D felt-tip pen
- Carmine-red watercolor pencil
- cotton wool for filling (150 g each)
- tracing
- carbon paper
- a sheet of thin cardboard
- blue and gray threads for sewing
- adhesive for textiles
Pattern diagram
Job description:
1. From leaf motifs to increase to the desired sizes the trunk of a kitten, the tail and the bottom. Using tracing paper and copy paper to transfer parts to cardboard and cut exactly along the contour. The fabric is folded in half face inside, on the fabric to decompose the template body and pin pins. The contours of the templates circle with a simple pencil and cut with allowances for the seam width of 1 cm.
2. Details sew on the hands of small stitches or stitch on the sewing machine, leaving the seam open area for filling with cotton.
3. From the blue fabric to carve out a strip size of 6 x 21 cm and fold in half. Cuts sew with seam allowances of 0.5 cm, leaving the seam open a small area to fill. Detail carefully turn and fill with a small amount of cotton. Open area sew by hand. From the fabric to carve out a strip size of 5 x 3 cm, folded in half along, grind the longitudinal sections with allowances for the seam 0.5 cm Strip to impose the middle of the butterfly, short cuts sew on the back side.
Technology of work
4. Torso gently twist the tail to fill with cotton wool to half the volume, the torso as a whole, at the same time pay attention to the fact that the lugs are tightly filled with cotton wool. To fill the tail, use a long spoon handle or a wooden rod. If necessary, add cotton wool.
5. In the torso of the cat in the peas to put another bag of sand, from the bottom of the trunk to put the bottom and pin on the contour, with the internal section of the bottom to invest inside the body at 0.5 cm Bottom sew manually with small stitches.
6. Black threads for embroidery or sewing embroider on the face of the eyes and mouth according to the photo. Large cat eye sew on beads. The nose cut out of felt and glue. From thick threads for darning cut 3 pieces of length 13 cm, thread in the face-it will be a mustache. Lead watercolor pencil moisten with water and draw on the muzzle cheeks. 3D-marker to put the eyes of the point in the form of a pupil.
7. In the tail to sew the open section in the seam to attach to the body of a cat and sew. Butterfly, buttons and heart sew by hand. Round neck striped kitties to tie the braid.
Heels and heels
If the baby has already grown from your favorite socks, it does not matter! You shouldn’t throw them away. Better make these cute pigs!
Pigs from old socks
You will need:
- old socks or socks
- chenille wire (20 cm)
- buttons with a diameter of 2-3 cm
- cotton wool for filling
- foam balls
- rotating eye diameter: 12 mm
- scraps of felt
Job description
1. Cut the sock along the heel across.
2. The front part of the sock is filled with cotton wool or pieces of foam, the hole is tied with a thread, pre-inserting a piece of wire about 20 cm long. The end of the wire lubricate glue.
Technology of work
3. The remaining piece of wire wound on a pencil to get a spiral, like a pig’s tail. Excessive part of the sock near the knot and around the wire cut close to the edge.
4. Stick or sew a button in the form of a nose-Piglet. Glue the eyes and cut out of the felt triangles-ears. Rounded corners, ears glued symmetrically on one side of the triangles. With a felt-tip pen to draw a mouth.
These are pigs…
Tip: make three pigs at once or arrange a theatrical performance, inviting the neighborhood kids. The role of the wolf can be entrusted to someone from adults.
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