Passing through the villages, any gardener or florist unwittingly pays attention to the style of design and species composition of flower beds, the benefit according to tradition they are usually located in the front garden. Flower talk not only about the plants themselves, but also about the life, traditions and tastes of the owners, reflect their wealth and style of life.
Rich and well-groomed flower beds filled with pedigreed and well-nourished plants, amuse the eye and give a sense of deep satisfaction, but often too standard, do not give anything new to the mind, and do not touch the soul. These flower beds are spoiled, so to speak, the civilization of modern times, overflowing with consumer goods from garden centers and shops, copy replicated samples from transferable magazines, paying tribute to fashion.
Much more versatile information are flower beds provincial, inheriting the ancient traditions, whose inhabitants have passed the age-old test of time and climate. For each of them stretches some history, they are necessarily participants in family and social events, and, as a rule, can boast a variety of folk names.
Flower garden usual, deep…
Realities of rural life are such that in its conditions often not to beauties, the main thing-to grow and prepare daily bread. All forces are given to a kitchen garden and a garden, and to a flower garden free time is given. If it stays. So at best, the front garden is often occupied by useful cultures-raspberries or currants, and at worst — there raging nettle and other unsightly weeds. But there are also such villagers that do not bend under the prose of life and try to brighten up their life. Of course, such excess (such as buying useless flowers) can afford not everyone, but there is another opportunity to buy them. As collateral good relations, neighbors who give each other the, that has grown up. Here and migrate through the village (and then beyond) plants that can be called people’s representatives and the darlings, although a stretch: after all, most of them chose no. They are likely to elect fate, sifted them that fell into the hands. Some have left because they do not require special care, others have survived as the most competitive, successfully opposing the nettle and burdock. And only some specially kept and protected, obeying the power of their irresistible beauty.
We present to you a dozen such elected perennials, seen in late July — early August.
Asparagus officinalis
A powerful old asparagus Bush, a sort under two meters in height, is present in almost every front garden, sometimes even where raspberries or weeds crushed everything else.
Asparagus officinalis
What is the reason for the prevalence of this plant, in General, deprived of special beauty? Why he tried to keep in every yard? The solution gives a memory of the bouquets of the time: they always present twig asparagus, arranged greens, as florists say. Fluffy and delicate, softening the crudeness dahlias, gladioli straightness, brightness, asters and chrysanthemums. That was always in demand simple asparagus: the school whether as a gift, on sale — no one bouquet is not complete without her.
Lavatera thuringiaca
Another unexpected plant for us. Unlike the more common in gardens annuals-Lavatera trimestris, we have a wild plant.
Lavatera thuringiaca
But, despite the routine, I, for example, always have a desire to move it into the garden — so attractive pale pink glowing flowers, born from June to August generously and abundantly. Only place it would take a lot. But for the rural flower garden is not a problem, on the contrary, just what is required.
Alcea rosea
Cultivated since the XV century, many varieties, colors — from white to dark chestnut. The most loved Terry, with flowers-pompons. The plant is architectural, for bouquets is not suitable, but very suitable for front gardens, where proudly raises to a height of two meters long inflorescences that successfully mask any facade, even the most unsightly. The secret to keeping these powerful, but young plants that they consistently transplanted. Even in quite dense the grass.
Alcea rosea
And if you specifically to leave the seeds, as does our neighbor in the village, it will grow necessarily. The neighbor, casually tearing off a handful of seeds with the fact that she likes a generous gesture of the sower sends them into the unknown — in the garden, the nettles under the tree… something where it grows, and remains, having thus a test of survival. In this case, the factors of selection are favorite folk tales.
Rudbeckia laciniata
A plant, without which it is impossible to imagine a rustic flower garden. Rudbeckia varieties dissected ‘Hortensia’, ‘Golden Glow’, ‘Gold Ball’ appeared in culture relatively recently — in the XIX century.
Rudbeckia laciniata
Heavy, full of Golden blossoms of these old varieties going, and the stems fall down sloppy like a drunken man, lean on the fence, ashen from the time the broadside of a barn
Saponaria officinalis
The natural habitat includes mainly European part, it can be found quite often, especially on sandy coast and edges of pines.
Saponaria officinalis
In the gardens, of course, especially loved Terry ‘Alba Plena’ and ‘Rosea Plena’. The culture of the ancient, known since the beginning of the XVII century and, in General, is good, but it is very creeping — that a simple form that Terry. Now it’s hard to judge, but it’s possible that it was once really used instead of soap.
Solidago canadensis
This Solidago canadensis is one of the oldest ornamental plants: imported into Europe (England) from North America in 1645 Many gardeners will cringe when it is mentioned. Yes and scientists florists, too,. This species is included in the list of invasive species by the European plant protection organization, that is, it is believed that it causes serious damage to native flora, the environment and biological diversity. Countries in which it grows are encouraged to prevent its further introduction and spread. But who his saw-this list? Therefore, simple gardeners, unbalanced varieties, continue to grow. To get it started long ago, but outrageously only particularly brazen since the beginning of this Millennium. In the vicinity of our cottage over the last few years, the abandoned fields overgrown them very quickly. And now already mentioned the neighbor said, proudly looking at the jubilant thicket Solidago canadensis.
Solidago canadensis
In fairness, it should be said that often under his name there is a much more vicious interval — his brother Solidago gigantea, which is characterized by long rhizomes, a bare stem with a whitish bloom, an inexperienced underside of the leaf, a denser compressed inflorescence and a brownish tuft of the seed. It was brought to Europe later-in 1758, but since the middle of the XIX century it began to invade the fields of the new continent at a speed of 910 km/year.
National flower of Mexico. The first species named Dahlia pinnata arrived in Europe in 1789, followed by the rest. Soon there were many varieties, as it turned out, was imported hybrids, the curve had more of the Mexican Indians. In General, we will not go into disassembly with the species belonging to what is now grown. The flower is brutal: rough, heavy, with an unpleasant creak and a pungent smell, but the bright is extraordinary. For that and love.
Finally, not a vagrant, but a true garden plant in our list: both appearance came out, and agricultural machinery is. She provided him with a high rating, because is almost the same as a potato. Also planted in the spring, dug for the winter, and they are stored together in the same cellar. The most that neither is a rural plant, which is only tormented in the refrigerators of citizens.
LÃlium. Asiatic hybrids
The most reliable garden group of representatives of this infinitely various sort. Due to the stability they prevail in the gardens.
LÃlium varieties Yellow
Of course, flashed among them and such friends of the people as LÃlium daura and lÃlium tiger, fly briefly Eastern hybrids. LÃlium is easy to start: just drive into the city, see the bag on the tray and… it is impossible to resist. Moreover, the burden is small-only onion.
Phlox paniculata
Phlox paniculata first arrived in Europe in the early eighteenth century. According to the modern garden classification, almost all of its varieties belong to the hybrids of the group Paniculata.
Phlox paniculata
But there are disagreements with such point of view, which consider, that hybrids in his biography indeed fixed, but their a bit. Naturally, no one remembers or knows its varieties. Who cares — if only the smell was pleasant. For this even to take care of him you: and weed and manure to throw. Where manure is in the village a lot – there and Phlox thrives.
Aconitum napellus
Let’s leave this name, although taxonomists divide it into smaller ones, which no one distinguishes. Can still meet in the gardens similar species, such as Aconitum paniculatum. Aconitums of this type in culture from the XVI century, very picky and tenacious. Although the plant is considered highly poisonous, it does not interfere with its popularity.
Aconitum napellus
Of course, this list can not be called complete and final — ten plants selected by eye, without counting the percentage of occurrence, coverage area and other scientific evaluation criteria. Chosen simply because it seemed the most conspicuous and catchy in August flower beds. Specially lowered in the list of shrubs and ubiquitous hops, which is given to pay for all vertical gardening. Undoubtedly, the set of plants will be different, somewhere, perhaps, there are quite unique Pets. So it would be interesting to compare the results of observations from different sources.
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