- Myth 1. Black bread is healthier than white and old bread is fresher;
- Myth 2. Vegetables are best eaten raw ;
- Myth 3. You need to take yeast-they have a lot of vitamins ;
- Myth 4. Morning is useful to start with a glass of water, which added Apple cider vinegar;
- Myth 5. Sleeping on your left side is bad for your heart ;
- Myth 6. Grinding the teeth is a sign of infection with worms;
- Drowsy potion;
- Myth 7. In order not to get sick, you need to avoid drafts;
It seems that we know everything about health: it is the most common topic of conversation in any company. It is worth one person to say that he, for example, goes to the bath to strengthen the immune system, as there will be experts who will convince him of the harmfulness of thermal procedures. Verbal battles do not cease on every medical issue: after all, how many people, so many misconceptions about health.
Myth 1. Black bread is healthier than white and old bread is fresher
Actually, rye bread isn’t for everyone. After all, black bread (unlike wheat) contains indigestible oligosaccharides — stachyose and raffinose. Oligosaccharides — those carbohydrates are the same, only more complex than glucose is sugar, but more simple than starch. The problem is that 10% of adults (and all children up to 3 years) in the intestine there are no enzymes that can split raffinose with Tahiti. No matter how hard such people (both large and small) about the benefits of black bread and slip it pieces at lunch, the result will be unchanged — food intolerance with increased gas formation, frequent stool and abdominal pain.
As for the” old ” bread, produced more than 2-3 days ago, it is already in full fruit mold. You may not see it yet, but this does not mean that the loaf retains its original freshness. Alas! The myth of the benefits of ” old ” bread was born because nutritionists do not recommend eating freshly baked bread:
- First, it is too soft, almost does not require chewing, and our teeth is very important to load the work that they do not decide that we do not need, and did not fall out.
- And secondly, causing a strong fermentation in the intestine, such bread, according to doctors, turns the digestive system into a distillation apparatus. And our body alcohol, formed during fermentation, certainly to anything! Therefore, fresh bread is recommended to dry a little (but in any case not to “grow old”) — not to the point of staling, of course, but to each slice slightly stale on both sides, but remained soft inside. You can leave it open for an hour or two or hold it in the preheated oven.
Myth 2. Vegetables are best eaten raw
We have been inspired since childhood that the maximum benefit can be derived from plant foods only in raw form, which means that all fruits and vegetables should be eaten fresh.
Carrots we often use in grated form with sour cream — for better absorption of carotene (provitamin A). In addition, it is believed that such a salad is better to eat with a piece of black bread, greased with butter.
Butter and cream will actually help the carotene to be absorbed — because it is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. But if the raw carrot, a large part of the contained carotene slips through the intestine, without bringing benefits to the body. The digestive system is not able to get to the much-needed vitamin, because it is not able to break down the strong walls of the cells that make up the carrot (because it is so hard!), and extract from them deposits of carotene.
But if you boil it? Cell walls are destroyed, and carotene is absorbed much better, especially when carrots are eaten with vegetable oil or sour cream.
Similar exceptions are spinach and raw potato starch. The latter is not digested by the body at all and only after heat treatment becomes a very valuable nutrient.
Myth 3. You need to take yeast-they have a lot of vitamins
Half a century ago the yeast do was widely used as an additional source of vitamins of group B. now, However, from satisfaction of need for them that the doctors refused. After all, yeast contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also nucleic acids, purine bases, fat components and salts of heavy metals.
Their systematic consumption can adversely affect the condition of the body, leading to the development of intoxication or gout. With it, as well as those diseases in which it is necessary to limit the extractive substances (problems with the liver, kidneys and heart) yeast is absolutely contraindicated. Many of them generally cause allergies, and it is in raw form. During heat treatment of allergenic components can be inactivated, so cakes people is well tolerated, and reacts (usually runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes) only yeast containing dough.
Myth 4. Morning is useful to start with a glass of water, which added Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a really valuable product that can break down carbohydrates (flour). But “drive” subcutaneous fat he can not. In addition, the irrepressible consumption of vinegar can lead to exacerbation of gastritis, enterocolitis, stomach ulcers, tooth enamel destruction and other problems. Want to lose weight? Reconsider your diet and go in for sports!
Myth 5. Sleeping on your left side is bad for your heart
It’s not! Doctors recently rehabilitated the left side. After all heart of is not directly under him: much worse for him dream on right-wing side of the chest, when it sags.
No wonder the Tibetan novices rest on their left side. In Buddhist monasteries even have a special supervisor who watches at night, not whether someone turned over on the wrong side.
Myth 6. Grinding the teeth is a sign of infection with worms
In fact, the reasons for such a creak-bruxism-are different, and worms — not the first in this list. Teeth grinding is most often associated with malocclusion, inflammation of the gums — periodontitis, which is accompanied by itching in the mouth, errors in prosthetics. It is possible that it’s all about overexcitation of the nervous system: a person is so absorbed in the events taking place in his life (not necessarily bad — an excess of positive emotions can also become stress) that even in a dream there is no relaxation and rest.
In the most striking form of bruxism manifests itself at night, during sleep. Therefore, if you notice that this suffers someone from your loved ones, quickly make an appointment to the dentist. Bruxism is not as harmless as it may seem! He:
- promotes loosening of teeth and leads to their destruction,
- can lead to rubbing of the dentures and crowns,
- it has a negative effect on the jaw joints.
If it’s all in the nervous system, it will calm a light dinner, a short walk before going to bed and sleep with the window open.
Drowsy potion
Put in a headboard canvas pad, full made equally the plants evoke the aromas of slumber. Can 1 tablespoon of any of these fees to make a glass of boiling water and drink it at night for insomnia.
Myth 7. In order not to get sick, you need to avoid drafts
Where did the myth of their harm come from? Stuffy, stagnant atmosphere is much more dangerous for health! How could survive a species for which a jet of fresh air is a terrible danger? On the contrary, through ventilation is vital in any apartment!
Blow of the person can only be the case if they are not hardened. The more you protect yourself from drafts, the more often you will catch a cold. After all, outside the house the wind is everywhere — so isn’t it better to gradually accustom themselves to it?
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