- Tip 1. Change your attitude… to everything;
- Tip 2. Remember – you are beautiful at any age!;
- Tip 3. You need vitamins. And that’s out of the question!;
- Tip 4. Eat tasty but right;
- Tip 5. Do not let things take their course;
- Tip 6. Physical activity-your best friends;
- Tip 7. Find time for yourself and for him;
In 40 years life only begins. And it really is. By this age, we already have experience, comes to understand how life works. It becomes easier for us to communicate with people and make decisions in all spheres of life, including business. Therefore, many women reveal themselves and achieve success, having already crossed the 40-year mark.
Here are some inspiring examples! Anne Burda headed the publishing house and published the first magazine Burda Moden in 41 years, and managed the business until 87 years. Helen Gurley brown became the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine at the age of 43 and made it world-famous. These amazing women proved by their example that you can succeed at any age.
Why then so many women just at this age lose faith in themselves and in their strength, give up?! They, too, can understand: hard to do exploits when the body starts to behave strange, if not to falter. And to blame hormonal changes – menopause.
Most women have menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can start earlier or later. The menopause often called the change of life. However, from the point of view of medicine, these are different concepts. Menopause is a stage that lasts a year after the last menstrual period. It is preceded by perimenopause (the period when menstruation is irregular), and completes this stage of postmenopause. But often all three concepts are United, calling climax or climacteric period.
Menopause is characterized by a decrease in the production of estrogen hormones, which provokes the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as hot flashes, unstable emotional state, sweating, vaginal dryness, deterioration of the skin, the appearance of excess weight. At first glance, it seems that there is no reason for optimism. But it’s not! Science has gone far ahead since the days of our mothers and grandmothers, when it was believed that nothing can be done about menopause and you just have to endure it.
In our time, women have access to natural remedies, through which the manifestations of menopause can be mitigated and made invisible. You will simply move to another period of your life – smoothly, without boundaries, retaining attractiveness, faith in yourself and your strength.
Tip 1. Change your attitude… to everything
The first thing to do is to change the attitude towards menopause. Unfortunately, we tend to perceive this period as aging and loss of attractiveness. It puts psychological pressure on a woman. Given the fact that due to hormonal adjustment, it reacts to everything much more sharply, this attitude can worsen unpleasant symptoms and provoke the appearance of real depression. And after you change your attitude to menopause, think about a more global step: change your attitude to life in General. Accept with gratitude each new day, practice positive thinking. And you will see how the world becomes kinder to you.
Tip 2. Remember – you are beautiful at any age!
Do not give in to provocations – menopause does not mean old age! Fading concerns only the reproductive function of the body, while a woman can remain attractive and active. If you feel psychological discomfort, then it’s time to learn practices that will help to remove the inner feeling of its unattractiveness. This is psychotherapy, auto-training, meditation, breathing exercises, yoga.
Tip 3. You need vitamins. And that’s out of the question!
Hot flashes are one of the first signs of menopause faced by the vast majority of women. How it happens: you suddenly get hot,you can suddenly sweat and blush. Often hot flashes accompanied by panic attacks when there is a feeling of lack of air.
The appearance of tides is associated with hormonal imbalance. Because of it changes the level of substances in the body that are responsible for thermoregulation. The most important of them are beta-alanine and vitamin E, so during menopause it is necessary to make up for their lack. Also take care of calcium, magnesium and potassium, which in combination have a positive effect on the bone structure. After all, the fragility of the bones is one of the primary problems in this period. It does not appear immediately, as calcium is washed out of the bones gradually, but when the problem becomes acute, it will be too late. Therefore, it is important to start taking mineral complexes in advance.
Tip 4. Eat tasty but right
Note that some foods increase the tides – for example, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, spicy or too hot food. Try to remember what you ate before the next heat attack. If you can identify patterns, then you can avoid those products to which the body reacts negatively.
Also, along with the arrival of menopause, weight is added. It is also associated with hormonal changes. The fact is that adipose tissue can synthesize estrogens. Therefore, when the ovaries reduce their production, the body tries to compensate for estrogen deficiency, increasing fat reserves. This explains the increased appetite and craving for high-calorie foods high in carbohydrates and fats. Arguing with nature is useless, but you can try to negotiate with her.
For example, a simple psychological technique helps: every time you want a “forbidden” calorie meal, try to distract yourself by switching to something interesting-chat on the phone with a friend, watch an exciting movie, look through a new gardening magazine or read an article on your favorite site.
Naturally, during this period it is better to adjust your diet. Try to minimize fried, greasy, spicy, sweets. Limit your salt intake. Cook more in the oven, steamed, grilled.
Tip 5. Do not let things take their course
Enrich your diet with phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant substances, distant “relatives” of female hormones of estrogens. Getting into the body, they partially replace the real estrogens, the deficiency of which becomes less acute — and hence the unpleasant manifestations of menopause are reduced. If you start taking phytoestrogens already in the period of perimenopause, you can alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
Of course, you can take real hormones. But, unfortunately, hormone replacement therapy has many side effects and contraindications.
Hormonal drugs for menopause are toxic to the liver, they increase vascular tone, blood clotting and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Hormones are contraindicated in a number of chronic diseases. In addition, during the reception of such drugs need to carefully monitor some blood counts, regularly shown to specialists, to pass tests. It is not surprising that many women are afraid of hormone therapy or simply can not use it.
Phytoestrogens are a safe alternative to hormones. They gently adjust the hormonal balance without causing side effects characteristic of hormone therapy. There are several types of phytoestrogens. The most studied of the soy isoflavones. These substances, normalizing hormonal balance, slow down skin aging, improve calcium absorption and strengthen bone tissue.
Tip 6. Physical activity-your best friends
Of course, each of us has to solve a million problems every day, but try to allocate at least half an hour a day for physical activity. Time for sports, charging or even a normal walk is a time for your health. Numerous studies show that women who lead an active lifestyle are easier to tolerate menopause and less likely to suffer from hot flashes.
If you can not visit the sports club-it does not matter! Spend more time outdoors, walk, exercise at home. By the way, a very good effect gives yoga or bodyflex (breathing exercises). Whatever type of physical activity you choose, it should be pleasant to you. Otherwise, you will hardly be able to practice regularly and for a long time.
Tip 7. Find time for yourself and for him
Many women at this age are tormented by the thought that their main purpose in life is fulfilled – children have grown up and no longer need parental care. Because of this, they lose the meaning of life. Often it is after 40 years deteriorate relationship with her husband. What to do? Look at it from a different angle. The children grew up – wonderful! You now have more time for yourself and your spouse, ahead of the second youth. Spend it with benefits and more walk together, chat with her husband, revive the former family traditions.
If you are a career priority, now you have time to think carefully about what steps you can take for professional growth. Perhaps there are areas of expertise in your profession that have gone unnoticed. Think about professional development.
You can do self-education, often meet with those who share your hobby, visit interesting exhibitions, buy a subscription to the theater or cinema. You can have driving lessons or a manicure, write in a club dancing or lovers of potted violets. Allow yourself to enjoy life and enjoy it. Use all your life experience to your advantage. Remember, menopause happens in every woman’s life, but not every woman it turns into a pause in life.
And how did you meet menopause: cheerfully and fully armed, or she overtook you suddenly and knocked out of the rut? What methods have you used to make it easier to survive this period? Share your experience, it can be useful for other women.
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