Sorbus is an adaptable tree, growing everywhere. Its red berries, collected in large bunches, are well known to all. Sorbus berries have long been used in folk recipes against various diseases and in the cosmetic industry.
Sorbus-berry useful
Sorbus berries-a real storehouse of nutrients. 100 g of fruit contains up to 81 g of vitamin C, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B9, A, PP, tocopherol, β-carotene. The berries include various minerals, including copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and others.
The plant is widespread throughout Europe and North America. Today there are garden varieties, which appeared thanks to the efforts of breeders. And Sorbus received such popularity due to its useful properties:
- the fruits have natural antibacterial properties, helping to fight intestinal infections and inhibiting the growth of fungi of various types;
- the use of berries allows you to activate the immune system, which can be useful in severe weakening after a serious illness;
- the active substances contained in berries help to stabilize metabolism, normalize metabolic processes;
- it has a diuretic effect, so recipes based on it can be used in the prevention of urolithiasis, in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
- fruit improve heart function and significantly reduce the level of cholesterol, which is beneficial to the health of the nervous system (reduces the formation of cholesterol plaques);
- with the help of it it is possible to suppress gas formation, cause a slight laxative effect and remove harmful substances from the body.
Who should not use Sorbus
Although Sorbus and very useful, however, and for its use there are limitations. In some cases, the use of Sorbus-based recipes can be harmful. Contraindicated in berry:
- gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice;
- urolithiasis, especially in the acute phase (Sorbus can provoke the promotion of stones in the ureter, which will adversely affect the patient’s condition);
- hypotension as Sorbus is able to reduce pressure;
- gastric or duodenal ulcer;
- recent heart attacks or strokes;
- coronary heart disease, especially in the development of signs of heart failure;
- age up to 3 years.
An important contraindication, which is often forgotten, is individual intolerance. If you are allergic to Sorbus, you can not eat not only fresh fruits, but also various dishes or medicinal products made with the addition of this berry. During pregnancy and lactation use Sorbus doctors also do not recommend.
How can I use Sorbus
Sorbus is practically not eaten fresh. The reason for this-a specific bitter-sour taste of berries. However, our ancestors came up with many ways of processing berries, so not only disappears bitterness, but also retain useful properties.
The easiest way is to prepare the juice. To do this, you will need about 1 kg of berries, 200-250 g of sugar and a glass of boiled water. Sorbus before processing is placed in the refrigerator for 72 hours to get rid of bitterness. After this time, the berries are extracted and passed through a meat grinder or blender. In the resulting puree, add a glass of water and mix everything thoroughly, and then filter: first with gauze, then — through a denser material. Add sugar to the filtered juice (the amount can be increased if necessary), bring to a boil and pour into the prepared dishes.
Another good way to preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit is to brew tea with Sorbus. Dried Sorbus is suitable for the treatment of diarrhea (10 g of berries filled with 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 15-20 minutes and drunk twice a day). From fresh Sorbus, rosehip fruit and ginger, you can get an excellent anti-cold agent, pour the ingredients with boiling water and leave in a thermos for 8 hours.
Good anti-catarrhal properties, a tincture or an infusion of Sorbus.
Tincture suitable for the treatment of adults. For its preparation it is necessary to fill in 200 g of fruit with medical alcohol or cognac, then place the container in a dark dry place for 2 weeks. To make the medicine more effective, it is recommended to shake and turn the container sometimes, shaking the contents.
Infusion-a great option for the treatment of children. Prepare it very simply: 9-12 g of fruit is filled with 0.5 liters of water and 20 minutes placed in a water bath. After the mixture is infused for an hour-and ready.
Sorbus is actively used in cosmetology for skin toning and nutrition. The easiest way is to use frozen juice cubes to massage your face. You can also prepare a tonic mask by mixing its juice, honey and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1:1 (recommended — 1 teaspoon of each ingredient) and adding egg yolk to the mixture. This mask is applied to the face for about 20 minutes and gives the best effect if combined with a steam bath.
How to harvest and store Sorbus
Healing properties have not only Sorbus berries, but also other parts of the plant — you can also harvest bark, leaves, flowers. Bark is harvested in early spring or may, leaves — in August, flowers — in may.
However, the greatest benefit to the body have yet berries. They can be collected in September-October, if you plan to store fresh or dried. Dry Sorbus in the shade or in a special dryer until it stops sticking, if you squeeze a few berries in your hand.
If you plan to prepare juice or infusions, the best time to collect-the end of October or early November. At this time, usually hit the first frost, and berries get rid of bitterness.
Sorbus-a great natural assistant in the fight against many diseases. The main thing-is to properly prepare the berries for storage and subsequent use.
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