Sweet delicious desserts are loved by both children and adults. Midsummer-it’s time to berry abundance and it’s time to prepare delicious and healthy homemade desserts from berries, using great recipes from this site. We have a large collection of recipes of various delicacies from summer berries-just right to publish a thick cookbook.
What to cook from strawberries
Let’s start with the most popular berries of mid – summer: fresh garden strawberry-one of the most delicious, refreshing and healthy treats.
Today there are more than 600 varieties of strawberries. Sweet, slightly tart berries are among the top ten fruits in terms of antioxidants. Eating these berries reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It is believed that strawberries are good for the health of the skin and hair, increases energy and reduces weight.
Is not it a reason to cook a delicious and healthy dessert for the whole family of this berry? Strawberries are especially loved by summer residents, most of the wonderful summer desserts are made from it.
What to cook from raspberry
Raspberry fruits are a rich source of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. These fragrant, sweet berries reduce the risk of cancer, obesity, cardiovascular disease, block inflammation and even increase fertility!
Too bad you can’t eat fresh raspberries all year round. But this shrub is able to give two crops in the summer, besides, raspberry is useful in the form of jam to strengthen the immune system, in dried form, perfectly stored raspberry in sugar, in the form of jam or marmalade.
What can be cooked from currants
Black currant grows in our country since time immemorial, it is one of the most useful berries because of the high content of anthocyanins (substances that give berries red, blue and purple). In General, black currants are considered more useful than red currants. Most people don’t know that black currants have a higher vitamin C content than oranges.
Traditionally, currants are used in jams, desserts and pies, but also its leaves and berries are used in marinades for vegetables and sauces for fish and meat.
What can you make out of cherry
Cherry is a universal berry that has a peculiar taste and aroma. Cherries are full of antioxidants and other substances, including useful for insomnia, joint pain and obesity. Cherry with many health problems-it is “what the doctor ordered.”
To as often as possible to cook with her delicious healthy desserts.
Recipes from different berries
In summer, generous nature offers us many of its gifts, including a variety of summer berries – one of the most affordable ways to eat tasty and right, while improving their health and well-being.
In addition to the above-mentioned garden berries, our dachas grow many other wonderful summer fruits: blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, grapes, gooseberries… Do not give up the gifts of nature, which generously offer us the forests and fields of our homeland: Rowan, viburnum, cherry, elderberry, cranberry…
Good health, good cooking and Bon appetit!
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