Valentine’s day is the most romantic and sentimental holiday dedicated to love. And it, as we know, all ages are obedient. Therefore, in spite of everything (including for many years of marriage), let’s congratulate our “halves” and give them something nice.
Ladies, let’s get creative.
Traditionally, lovers on February 14 give each other hearts. Corny-you say and will be in something undoubtedly right. But the symbol is a symbol, but that he acquired novelty and charm, will have to try.
Not just a heart, but a sign of real feelings.
To begin with, we will “revive” our heart: arms, legs (you can also wings), a cheerful face – and now we have not just a symbol, but a very cheerful and funny sign of our love.
“Living” hearts
And so it turns out a real sweet couple (however, we will not hurry – we will return to them).
Recently removed from doors Christmas wreaths? And maybe someone they are still hanging? It’s time to replace them with wreaths “heart”.
The cones of the Christmas wreaths also come in handy – we will make them bright colors and slightly change the form. Sometimes one lump is enough, the main thing-the similarity with the desired object.
Hearts of cones
Heart of dead branches does not indicate the feelings faded! Enliven the composition with a bright bow-perhaps this will update your love?
Hearts-wreaths of dry branches
What else can you make original hearts from? Needlewomen are encouraged to conduct a thorough revision in their chests-boxes and select the brightest buttons of all shades of red – the color of passionate love.
Bright buttons allow you to Express passionate love.
Have you accumulated a lot of traffic jams from a variety of drinks? They are also allowed to work. No hints – just Express your feelings with the help of improvised material. Ideas and technologies can be seen in the article Crafts from wine stoppers.
Hearts of traffic
Useful and stones, and shells. Among other things, they will remind you of a joint vacation.
Hearts of shells and stones
If your partner or you are fond of anatomy or have any relation to medicine, the image of the heart in its “natural” form will be to your taste and will not scare anyone.
“Natural” heart
Occupation for real men
What about men? What heart can they give to their ladies? It is clear that pore over buttons or embroidery strong half of humanity will not. But skillful men’s hands will be able to create though a little rough, but the real brutal heart. Like this.
“Male” heart
And who else will give a giant symbol of his love? Only a real man can do that.
A huge heart of a real man
If you prefer to deal not with cold metal, but with live wood, then there are also options. However, for presentation of a gift it is necessary to go together to the country. But it’s wonderful!
Hearts of wood
As a rule, a woman is engaged in cooking and cooking. But, as everyone knows, the real chef-men. Try in honor of the holiday to discover the culinary talent and set the table with any dishes, but always in the shape of a heart.
Heart-shaped pizza is much tastier
But if you are extremely busy with work and tinkering with something with your own hands or have no time to cook at all, then stop at least for a second, look around – and nature itself will point you to the desired symbol.
Hearts-creations of nature
Sweet couples rush to the rescue
And now, as promised, let’s turn to “sweet couples”. Who are lovers? First of all, it’s a couple of people: a man and a woman, he and she… Give your “half” on February 14 toy embodiment of your Union: it will turn out and appropriate, and funny.
It can be these funny men…
Funny men
… or funny seals:
Funny cats
If your pair made affectionately or jokingly call each other ” bunnies “or, for example,” hippos”, then choose their images as a gift:
Lovers “bunnies” and ” hippos»
Elephants and lefties, too, has not been canceled.
Elephants and lion
It happens that the young man did not dare to make a marriage proposal. Tactfully hint to him about your plans here such a gift.
“Transparent” hint
Present “sweet couple” on Valentine’s day to your lonely friend. It’s not tactless! Say that such a gift will attract a partner “at the energy level”, and the next holiday she will meet with her Prince!
Prince and Princess
Give each other gifts for Valentine’s Day. Let it be a very small souvenir, but it will remind you of the feelings that have not faded with time, perhaps, make you smile and cheer up.
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