A beautiful woman is not only a well-groomed face, but also healthy hair. To maintain their perfect condition help as modern factory tools and plants grown in the country. Today we will talk about plants that have been used since ancient times for hair care in Greece, India. Indigofera tinctoria […]
Abandoned Villages
There is no sadder sight than an abandoned human habitation. Humanity is proud of its grandiose buildings – space stations, dams and skyscrapers, grand bridges, statues and museums. But everything created is insignificant in comparison with Nature and falls into decay as soon as a person ceases to maintain, update […]
Gardening for Fun
Before our eyes there is an active change of ideological and behavioral stereotypes of country life. More and more people are discovering the beauty of ornamental gardening. The garden practically ceased to be for the citizen means of additional providing with products — it turns into a place of rest. […]
American Pumpkin Festivals: Pumpkin Traditions
In this article I want to write about social traditions, and in particular – American pumpkin festivals. Of course, harvest holidays are celebrated in many countries. But pumpkin festivals are something special. Rarely any holiday can compare with them for entertainment. Except that the Spanish Tomatina, but it is generally […]