A fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone, which is usually the result of any external action or (less often) changes in the structure of the bone. The injury is the cause of the fracture in 95%. What are the fractures If the fracture occurs with minimal […]
First Aid for Bruises and Sprains
Bruises, sprains or sprains – these troubles happen to us unexpectedly. The injury can be obtained anywhere: not only doing sports on the street, but also doing the usual household chores. Especially careful to be when carrying out on your site construction or repair work, redevelopment of the house or […]
Goat Yoga
For New Englanders, the fitness market has an unusual offer – yoga classes with goats. The domestic goat (Latin: Capra hircus) is a domestic animal, a popular species of artiodactyl animals of the genus ibex of cattle. The goat is one of the first domesticated animals. Domesticated in the Middle […]