You do not think that all the berry and fruit preparations behind? Now, in October, so many Goodies that you can still have time to prepare for the winter. This cranberries and cranberries, and sea buckthorn, and autumn apples, and the last of the season raspberry. Even honey melons still on the shelves — they make a wonderful treat for tea, which is sweeter than the most delicious candy.
The easiest way to preserve the healing berries — freeze them. Winter apples fresh for a long time stored in the cellars, but you want to cook them and something tasty for the winter.
Apples soaked in wort
This ancient Baltic recipe will appeal to every housewife. For urinating enough solid and sour autumn and winter varieties of apples. Apples should ripen, and after removal from the tree they still need to withstand 15-20 days.
You will need:
- 1/2 bucket of apples,
- 8-10 liters of water,
- 1.5-2 cups sugar,
- 100-150 g salt,
- 2 cups rye flour (about 200 g) or 150 g dry kvass,
- 2 tsp dry mustard,
- 10-20 cherry leaves,
- 10-12 currant leaves,
- 3-5 sprigs of tarragon.
- Select whole, undamaged apples of the same size.
- Prepare the container. The most suitable dishes – a wooden barrel. Cover the bottom of the barrel with a thin layer of straw.
- Apples lay layers, separating from the walls of the barrel with straw. Between the layers put a seasoning, the leaves of cherry, black currant, tarragon sprigs. Cover the last layer with straw.
- Cork the barrel by inserting the top bottom with a hole. If you are not using the barrel, and the other capacity, then top off with crisp cotton fabric, it is a wooden circle and oppression.
- Prepare the wort: boil water in a saucepan, put sugar, salt and mustard in it. Separate flour or kvass in a small amount of water. Brew them, adding boiling water, and, stirring, pour into a saucepan. Let cool, strain through cheesecloth. Wort is ready.
- Through the hole in the bottom of the barrel or on the circle pour the wort so that the barrel was full, and the circle is covered with wort.
- Soak the container for 5-7 days at a temperature of +20…+23°C. If the air is cooler, the period is extended to 10 days (at +18…+20° C) or up to two weeks (at +15…+18°C).
- Periodically remove the foam, you can add brine or water so that the contents were covered with liquid.
Store pickled apples better in the basement at a temperature no higher than +6°C. However, to store more often it does not come – very tasty pickled apples are obtained!
Dried melon
Take the melon with firm flesh, wash each, remove the seeds and fiber, properly scrape the walls to soften the pulp, cut the peel.
- To begin, cut the melon into slices, and then cut them into strips 2-3 cm thick and about 5-7 cm long.
- Spread the prepared strips on a thick white paper or cloth moistened with water. Then dry them in the oven on a baking sheet (over very low heat with the door ajar). Melon keep about 12 hours at a temperature of about +60°C.
- Dry the melon outdoors in the shade or in the room.
Summer dry melon can be otherwise:
- First, soak the pieces in the shade in the air in hot weather 1-2 days, and then be dried in the oven.
- Store in glass jars or boxes.
The most useful billets-those, in which there is no sugar. Although the debate about its dangers and benefits are not the first year: sometimes subside for a while, and then suddenly flare up with renewed vigor. Unhappy sweet tooth do not know peace: then freeze with horror, if sugar is ranked among the poisons and a Cup of sweet coffee becomes much more dangerous than a smoked pack of cigarettes, then sigh with relief if the source of fast carbohydrates is still recognized as useful for human health.
When the next wave of persecution coincides with the sometimes blanks, Housewives have a hard time: from the trio of traditional (and most affordable) preservatives falls one of the most important. But sugar is not a mandatory component of home canning!
Cranberries in their own juice
To store lingonberries in own juice better in cool place. At room temperature, it can ferment.
- Pour a thin layer of berries into a sterile jar and crush with a wooden pestle.
- Pour another layer of berries on top and crush. Repeat these steps until the jar is filled to the shoulders.
- Put on top of a circle of parchment, moistened on both sides with vodka, and roll up. Store in a cool place.
Sea buckthorn juice without sugar
Sea buckthorn juice can be prepared for future use and without sugar: heat it to 60°C, pour into sterile jars and immediately roll up. Store in a cool place.
For the record:
- the mass remaining after squeezing the juice, place in an enamel bowl, heat to 96°C, place in a small container and sterilize. In winter it is useful for making jellies and filling for pies;
- to juice you can add jelly from strawberries, pureed with sugar. It turns out a very tasty mixture.
Pickled lingonberries or cranberries
These healing berries can be preserved in such a simple way, while they will remain a maximum of useful properties.
- Go through all the berries, put them in a glass jar (or bottle) and fill with cold boiled water.
- Cover with a removable lid and store in a cool place.
For the record:
If you put the berries in jars and pour their own juice, they should be rolled up under the iron lid and stored in the refrigerator.
Compote of apples
Suitable apples of all varieties, you can even make assorted different, it will be very beautiful, and the taste of the workpiece probably also win!
- Remove the seed chambers from the fruit, cut into slices, blanch in hot (90°C) water. Blanching time depends on the size of the slices and Apple varieties and is 1-2 minutes for varieties with loose flesh and 12-15 minutes for hard fruits.
- Then cool the Apple slices quickly in boiled water to room temperature and place in jars.
- Fill the jars hot (but not boiling!) water, sterilize and roll up.
The juice of raspberry
Raspberries are very easy to give the juice, so you do not need to heat the berries.
- Raspberries mash wooden spoon and press the juice.
- Heat the juice to 60°C and pour into pre-sterilized bottles.
- Immediately seal well and place under a blanket until cool.
- Store at room temperature.
For the record:
raspberry juice is very sour, so before use it should be mixed with the juices of sweet berries or fruits or sweeten.
Blanks without sugar have an amazing taste, they remain virtually unchanged aroma of fresh berries or fruits. In addition, they can eat everything: ordinary summer residents, and those who sit on a strict diet, and those who can not even look at sugar for medical reasons.
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