Photo exhibition of irises of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, where the flowers appeared in all their splendor.
Luxury white variety ‘Lace Snowflake’.
Like the black velvet flowers of the variety ‘NightGame’.
The royal variety ‘RoyalCrusader’ — the winner of the largest flower.
Glamorous lace variety ‘Riversong’.
Magical two-color look of ‘the Alchemist’.
Unusual variety ‘Thornbird’ with purple “horns”.
Exotic variety “Tiger honey” with smears on the petals.
The flowers of the variety ‘VioletTiger’ also did not go unnoticed.
The ‘AuraLight’ variety is a new generation variety with floating lower petals.
Men also do not remain indifferent to irises.
But the true fans of this flower are still women.
But still, the youngest fans of flowers received the most impressions of the natural beauty. Children will remember for a long time a very joyful, bright and stable impression of beautiful irises.
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