Most gardeners grow their own tomato seedlings. Many sow first in a common container, and then at the right time they are transplanted into separate containers of the plant. But more and more often there is an opinion that picking in general and tomato seedlings in particular is not a useful procedure, but a harmful one, moreover, it takes time and effort.
Our site regularly raises this issue and discusses whether diving is useful. An interested reader can read a publication that discusses the arguments ” for ” and “against” picking seedlings. But now we will talk about how to back dive tomatoes sown in a common container.
The ideal option is to transplant the seedlings twice, while increasing the volume of the pot. At the same time, for the first time, the seedlings are planted in small (0.2-0.3 ml) cups, and for the second time, the seedlings are transferred to liter containers.
But the carriers have different opportunities, and not everyone can provide the necessary amount of land, and most importantly — a sufficient amount of light space for placing seedlings in such large pots. There is also the question of transporting the grown plants in. A very large number of gardeners grow seedlings with a single dive and not always in separate containers. Spacious drawers such as these are often used.
Seedlings planted in boxes
Another option is to transplant seedlings into medium-sized pots (400-500 ml/14-17.6 fl oz, even less should not be taken). To do this, buy ready-made containers or collect containers from food products: milk, sour cream, juices, and the like. It is important to pay attention to cleanliness and thoroughly wash the container from food, as the slightest food residues will lead to the development of mold. The second important point is the drainage holes. They must be.
Picking seedlings
The term “dipping” means shortening the main root of the plant to encourage the development of lateral roots. I remember perfectly well how my grandmother tried to pinch the thin thread of the root of each seedling. Now gardeners rightly believe that when transplanting seedlings, in any case, the root is slightly damaged and it is the shortening procedure that few people are engaged in.
If the seedlings have grown two real leaves, it’s time to dive. It is not necessary to delay this procedure, as the roots grow quickly, begin to intertwine and it becomes difficult to separate the plants from each other.
Tomato seedlings have grown two real leaves
I have a successful experience of diving and younger seedlings – those that have grown only full-sized seed leaves. In my opinion, this age is even more preferable for diving. The difficulty lies only in the fact that the plants are quite thin and fragile, so you should work with them carefully.
Two to three hours before the dive (or in the evening), the seedlings in a common container should be watered. Before planting, the soil should be moist, but not to the extent of a swamp. Prepared containers are filled with soil, a suitable object (for example, a teaspoon) makes a hole.
Pick tomatoes
Hook the seedling with a clump of soil and carefully transfer it to a container. If the seedlings are elongated, then at this stage it should be buried with cotyledonous leaves. Carefully seal up the soil around the plant and water it. If the earth settles, then pour again and sprinkle with earth again.
Newly planted plants are removed from direct sunlight for two days: this will make it easier for them to survive the stress associated with diving. Then the seedlings are placed on a light windowsill and, if necessary, finish the lighting. Tomatoes should be watered moderately, they do not tolerate waterlogging, it is better to let the ground dry a little.
In some cases, for example, if there are very few seeds, it is advisable to sow them immediately in separate glasses, so that in the future the seedlings will be more convenient to plant.
Pour the soil into a glass with seedlings
If you did it this way, then it’s probably time to pour the soil on the seedlings. So along the entire length of the stem, which was under the ground, additional roots will begin to form, and the plant will become more powerful.
And how do you dive tomato seedlings? Share it with us in the comments.
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