Spring at the gardener – a time of serious business and worries. But you have to rest, don’t you? This article is addressed, first of all, to those who are not inclined to look at everything with excessive seriousness, to whom curiosity and a little bit of frivolity are not alien, for whom “superstition” is not a swear word, but another view of the world. Maybe different from ours — rational and based on strict scientific knowledge — but still interesting. If all this is not about you-do not read on, please.
We will talk about signs, beliefs and superstitions associated with vegetables and spicy greens, about the magical properties that our ancestors gave these plants. Well, believe it or not to believe — everyone decides.
He is credited with the ability to protect, protect. If you have nightmares, make a small pillow filled with anise seeds, and put it under your head — bad dreams will bypass you. To drive away any evil from the home will help fresh leaves of the plant, laid out in the house.
This fragrant herb, according to legend, not only protects and cleanses from evil, but also attracts love, helps to reveal the true feelings. In Eastern Europe, there was even such a sign: if a man takes a sprig of Basil from the hands of a woman, he will certainly love it.
It is believed that the smell of Basil helps to overcome differences and generates sympathy between people. Wanting to attract a loved one, the girls rubbed the skin with fresh leaves, added sprigs of dried Basil in aromatic bags, which were carried with them or stored in the house.
And a Basil in a pot will definitely bring good luck and prosperity to the house.
Cottagers note: it is said that Basil is the gateway to the land of drunks, goats, and… Scorpions.
If you are going to plant peas, do not drive children from the garden — let them play next to the garden, then the harvest will be notable. And if you accidentally woke up peas in the house, you need to make sure that no one trampled it-otherwise be a quarrel.
In European countries, has been a popular divination for the cabbage husband. The German version takes time. First, in the spring you need to put in one hole the rutabaga and cabbage, whispering the names of lovers. Then all summer for planting and care to wait for the harvest. If both vegetables pleased-to a wedding to be if isn’t present — considered that happiness to this family not to see and therefore the wedding shouldn’t be played.
Girls who have no suitors yet, wondered otherwise. On the day Of all Saints girlfriend in pairs, holding hands, went to the garden, certainly with closed eyes. And so, blindly, tore on the head of cabbage each. And then carefully looked at what got, and concluded: the size and appearance of the head had to tell whether a handsome man, and the taste — to tell about his character; remaining on the roots of the earth spoke of the prosperity of her future husband.
By the way, the planting of cabbage seedlings is a very serious matter. In any case, according to legend, to laugh during such work can not be categorically — otherwise the leaves shrivel.
From coriander seeds make a simple amulet: pour them into a small linen bag, tie and carry with them. It is believed that it strengthens love, and also relieves its owner from headaches. If such an amulet is pregnant, her child will be different ingenuity and resourcefulness.
It is believed that this plant has powerful protective properties, is able to expel evil spirits, clean space. If you want to save your home and household from any misfortunes, spread around the house or apartment bulbs (whole or cut into halves) — according to legend, they will absorb all the evil and disease. And if you did someone in the family fell ill, hang on the back of his bed a large onion (certainly red variety) — the patient will recover faster.
To evil forces did not enter the house, put on the windowsill a small white bulb, tightly studded with tailor pins with black heads. And you can just grow onions on the windowsill — and fresh vitamin greens, and a reliable shield against evil. By the way, onion flowers also have protective properties.
Those who are in doubt, who can not make a choice, take some important decision, can tell fortunes on the bow-he will tell. However, the answer will have to wait. Take the same bulbs, write on each one of the solutions and clean them in a dark place. The choice will determine the one that will germinate first. And you can put an onion under the pillow at night — a dream that will dream, will be prophetic.
At the wedding throw an onion after a bride-to-be — believed that it will protect it from tears in the marriage. But the onion peel and wipe on the ground throw should not — say that the way their wealth to throw away. That money was found, the husk should be burned in a fireplace or an oven.
Mint is different, but related beliefs — are the same. For example, they say that mint is able to attract money. All you need to do — to carry in your wallet or purse a few leaves. If you put a sprig of mint under the pillow, you can see your future in your dream, and tied on your wrist (like a bracelet), it will protect from ailments.
If you are not lucky all the time-take a bath with parsley broth: it is believed that it expels evil (including the one that caused chronic failures). Parsley, growing in the garden, is a kind of talisman that takes all the bad from the house, but in the food-kindles passion and gives fertility. Only here the lovers are believed to cut parsley is impossible. It’s better to leave it to someone else so that you don’t lose your love.
Housewives use Rheum for jam and compotes, make pie filling from it. They say if you treat a loved one with such a dish, he will always be faithful to you. Don’t want to cook? Just cut the stems into pieces and sprinkle with sugar. This dessert and the body will benefit, and happiness in the house will attract. A piece of rhubarb hanging on the neck on a thick thread is considered a reliable protection against pain in the stomach.
This plant is endowed with many useful properties. Argue that the sprig of rosemary under the bed — reliable protection from evil spells; if put it under your pillow, you can get rid of nightmares if worn in the pocket, and will protect your health, and if you hang on the porch will deter thieves from home.
A wreath of rosemary, according to legend, improves memory. Get rid of depression or just bad mood will help pounded into powder and wrapped in a linen flap leaves of the plant (this amulet should be worn on the right hand). Those wishing to keep their youth longer are recommended to take a bath with rosemary infusion or more often sniff its wood.
This familiar plant is considered to be a strong defender from the troubles and evil forces. A bunch of dill hanging over the front door will not let those who came to the house with black thoughts or envy. Dill hung in the house, put in the cradle to the baby, carried with him, poured into a small bag. It is claimed that it awakens passion if you eat it or inhale a fragrance, and a bath with this plant will make you irresistible.
Since ancient times, garlic has been considered a powerful talisman that can protect against many ills. The sailors believed that he kept the ship from shipwreck; Roman soldiers ate garlic to be courageous in battle, and medieval soldiers carried it with them as a protective amulet.
According to legend, garlic stores from monsters and evil spirits (enough to bite the garlic clove, so they retreated). Hung over the front door or spread out in the house, it will scare away thieves, envious and evil spirits. They believed that hidden in his pocket garlic clove will protect the bride on the wedding day from evil looks and damage, and lying under the pillow — protects the sleeping baby.
Today we know about vitamins and phytoncides and no longer believe “grandma’s fairy tales” about the magical properties of vegetables and herbs. But why not hang a bunch of garlic in the kitchen or a bunch of dried dill… for beauty. And so, just in case…
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