Weeping Conifers for the Garden

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Decorative coniferous trees and shrubs with a weeping form of the crown are so individual that they can not be confused with other plants.

A cascading cascade of prickly evergreen (except larch) branches creates a romantic atmosphere in the country, its individual corners.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

All of them are very picturesque, so they will look equally well in the solitary plantings, and in the composition of landscape groups (given the further growth and providing a better view).

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

In recent years, these forms prefer a real country aesthetes.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

There are among them large forms that occupy a lot of space, and there are those that successfully fit into the garden design of a small cottage.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Let’s start by getting acquainted with some weeping forms of coniferous plants.

Picea abies ‘Inversa’

Very interesting shape, which resembles a green snowdrift.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Parameters of Picea abies ‘Inversa’: height-5-8 m (depending on the height of the site of vaccination), width — 1-2 m; shoots strongly hanging, the lower branches can lie on the ground. Needles green, pointed. Good in solitaire landings; better growing in partial shade, on wet, well-drained soils. It is sensitive to soil compaction and flooding (roots are widely spread, located shallow, almost surface).

Picea abies ‘Acrocona’

Striking the right wide-angle form ate, additional decoration which large bumps: at first bright red, then light brown.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Parameters of Picea abies ‘ Acrocona’: height-2-4 m, width-3-4 m; shoots thin, hanging. Good in rockeries, single and group landings.

For solitaire planting suitable Picea glauca ‘Pendula’, with its heavily drooping branches, and bluish-white needles.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Undemanding to soil, light-requiring, winter-hardy. Propagated by vaccination.

Interesting 2 weeping forms Picea pungens ‘Pendula’ and P. p. ‘Glauca Pendula’ with a small difference in the color of needles; they are suitable for planting on the lawn, at home, can become Christmas trees.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Both of them are light-loving, drought-resistant, winter hardy, undemanding to soils; propagated by vaccination.

Very effective Picea omorika ‘Pendula Bruns’ with dense foliage; needles are needle-shaped, dark green.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

It is light-loving, winter-hardy, undemanding to soils, but does not tolerate stagnation of moisture and soil compaction. Good for group plantings; can be used for spectacular framing garden arch.

Aristocratic weeping form Picea engelmannii ‘Glauca Pendula’ with blue-gray needles.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

The main branches of the crown are strongly bent at the bottom.

Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca Pendula’

Rare silvery weeping form, not for a small cottage. He feels good on the South coast of carbonate soils.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Parameters of Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca Pendula’: height up to 3-4 m, width — 3-5 m; with drooping branches, inoculation — with a bending trunk. Needles silvery-blue, 2.5 cm long, assembled in bundles. A young tree needs support. Winter minimum temperature -15 °C. the Most decorative in moderately moist, drained soils; at a young age to tolerate light shading. Transplant carries bad, so the seedlings are grown up to 5 years in containers with spring transshipment in a larger volume.

Cedrus deodara ‘Pendula’

Spectacular coniferous tree with uneven crown, formed by drooping branches, inoculation is often a shrub with creeping branches.

Cedrus deodara ‘Pendula’: the maximum size is unknown. Thermophilic, root system surface, feels better on deeply drained soils and open areas, does not like waterlogging. Sometimes suffers from chlorosis, which is eliminated by fertilizing and watering in hot dry summer.

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula’

Touching drooping pine tree will fit harmoniously into a romantic style garden.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Parameters of Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula’: height-10-15 m, width-4-5 m; ends of shoots hanging, needles dark green, short, shiny. Grow faster. Suitable for solitaire and alley landings.

Larix decidua ‘Pendula’

Very beautiful weeping form, especially effective in the fall-in Golden or dark orange attire.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Parameters of Larix decidua ‘Pendula’ at the age of 10 years: height-1-1.5 m, width — 0,6-0,8 m; crown thick, weeping, with long thin little branched shoots. Needles are soft. Frost-resistant, good in open Sunny places, fertile moist soils.

Another weeping larch of this species is Larix decidua ‘Puli’.

Larix kaempferi ‘Pendula’

Magnificent pine weeping beauty with a upside down shoots.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Parameters of Larix kaempferi ‘Pendula’: height — 6-8 m, width — 2-3 m; ends of shoots hanging. Needles bluish-green, yellow in autumn. Grow slowly. Good in mixed groups on fertile, well-drained soils. Propagated by vaccination.

Tsuga canadensis ‘Pendula’, syn. f. pendula

Decorative weeping form with strongly hung branches.

Weeping Conifers for the Garden

Parameters of Tsuga canadensis ‘Pendula’, syn. f. pendula: height up to 4 m, width up to 8 m. Needles dark green, short. Grows slowly, so suitable for medium-sized villas. Prefers fertile wet soil and protected from the wind place. Spectacular standard form.

Of course, this is not all weeping forms of conifers, there are cultivars among cypresses, junipers and so on. Find them on sale can be a kind of habitus (appearance) and the Latin name of the form (often — ‘Pendula’, rarely — ‘Inversa’, or individual name given to the finder, who described and registered the form).

It is interesting that such forms can still be found in old parks, urban plantations.

Such findings equate to a real Botanical discoveries in the decorative gardening: taking cuttings was found with the fallopian instance allows to be vaccinated, and the weeping form fastened in the culture. You can try to get vaccinated yourself, and your desire to settle in the country pine beauty with weeping branches will become a reality.

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