It’s no secret that the condition for stable and high crop yields is the right choice of variety (hybrid) and cultivation technology. The same applies to cucumber. When selecting cucumbers, breeders pay special attention to yield, resistance to major diseases, attractive appearance of greens (color and size), taste in fresh and canned form.
Hybrids for greenhouses
If you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, we recommend that you pay attention to parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) hybrids that do not require pollinators, such as F1 Bastion, fast and Furious F1, Crew F1. Due to the fact that they are genetically resistant to the main diseases of cucumber, their fruiting period increases and the multiplicity of chemical treatment decreases.
The early-maturing hybrid Bastion F1 female flowering type is characterized by a powerful root system that adapts perfectly to various soils and substrates. Plants of indeterminate type, powerful, form up to 6 fruits in the node, which do not die, despite stressful conditions during the growing season. The fruits are 12-14 cm (4.7-5.5 in) long, weighing 130 g (4.6 oz), dark green with large tubercles and white pubescence, not bitter and not yellow. The fruits of the Bastion F1 hybrid are ideal for making salads, have a delicate skin, juicy and fragrant flesh.
Early hybrid Bastion F1
The early-maturing parthenocarpic hybrid Fast and Furious F1 has features of the female type of flowering and the fact that its root system has a high suction capacity even on soils with a high salt content. Nodes are formed by 2-3 ovaries. Cylindrical greens 10-12 cm (3.9-4.7 in) long, dark green with white pubescence, do not grow for a long time. Regardless of the growing conditions and nutrition, they always retain their attractive appearance. The greens are well transported, have high taste qualities in fresh and canned form.
Early maturing hybrid Forsage F1
The Crew F1 hybrid is characterized by stable and long-term fruiting under any conditions. Fruits are 11-13 cm (4.3-5.1 in) long, dark green in color. Plants do not require constant formation, since the lateral shoots mainly have a limited type of growth.
Hybrid Crew F1-stable and long fruiting
During the growing season, sick, yellowed leaves in the lower tier, shading leaves in the upper tier and offspring should be removed.
Hybrids for open ground
Cucumber grows well in the open ground. In turn, varieties and hybrids for growing in the open ground must meet the following requirements: be precocious, be characterized by increased cold resistance, heat resistance, resistance to powdery mildew and peronosporosis, have a high ability to regenerate. Hybrids Atos F1, Dragoons F1, Kristina F1, Karolina F1, Porthos F1 are suitable for growing in the open ground.
Ultra-early-ripening hybrids of Atos F1 and Dragoon F1 guarantee high yields. Their attractive fragrant gherkins are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for pickling.
Hybrid Aphen F1 female type of flowering at the node forms from 5 to 7 greens 6-9 cm (2.4-3.5 in) long, dark green, with white pubescence.
Ultra early-ripening hybrid Athos F1 guarantees a high yield
F1 Dragoon hybrid with limited growth of lateral shoots forming 2-3 shoots at the nodes, 10-12 cm (3.9-4.7 in) long. Gherkins with a dense and firm pulp structure with a small seed chamber, without bitterness and emptiness, with a delicate and thin skin that turns yellow.
Hybrid Dragoon F1
You can get a consistently high yield even in unfavorable growing conditions with the help of Porthos F1, Kristina F1, Karolina F1 hybrids.
The Porthos F1 hybrid has 3-4 dark green fruits with large tubercles and light brown pubescence, 10-12 cm (3.9-4.7 in) long, which retain their attractive appearance for a long time, the fruits are suitable for pickling.
Early-maturing hybrid Kristina F1 female flowering type, which consist of 2-3 pieces in a node. Hybrid with excellent taste qualities in fresh and pickled form, has high resistance to cucumber mosaic virus.
Carolina F1 will delight with its cucumbers with excellent taste without bitterness, which are formed in a knot of 2-3 pieces and taste especially good when pickled. The hybrid has not only high yield, but also resistance to the main diseases of cucumber.
Hybrid Carolina F1 – has an excellent taste of cucumbers without bitterness
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